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Rounded borders in Firefox

Posts: 15
Joined: 14 Apr 07

Rounded borders in Firefox

Has anyone see this? this is awesome, and so easy it's ridiculous. It only works in Firefox, and will be ignored by IE.

I have been trying to find how to make rounded borders/corners with css only, and ran across it. I;m still trying to get a relatively easy rounding effect without tables.
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Posts: 200
Joined: 05 Sep 06
That's pretty neat but if your pages don't look good in IE will it be as effective for your needs and that is to make sales?

You'd think that everyone would have switch to Firefox by now but it just hasn't happened so I think you have to design for both IMHO.

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Good stuff... I just use Photoshop though :D
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Site Admin
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Nice stuff, tcampbell. I have heard that there are some round-corner styles on the table for css 3. How long it takes everyone to implement these things is anyone's guess.

If you're looking for something that works in Firefox AND internet explorer, some of my guys have been playing with this over the past few days.

It's javascript and CSS, no images, and it works in both browsers. You don't really need to touch the javascript or CSS files that do all the magic... just call the javascript in your head and then add a couple of lines of code to say what sort of round box you want. Pretty groovy.

Handy hint though: We noticed it broke if you were specifying named colours in your CSS... eg. "white" instead of "#ffffff".

Give it a go!
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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37:
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Joined: 14 Apr 07
Thanks Mark, that's really awesome. I just got done checking out some examples of Nifty Cube, and it's exactly what i was looking for. I started playing around with the original Nifty Corners right after I made that post, but it's a bit old. I'm going to start playing around with the Cube now... 8)

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