Rating your products with stars.
How do you all go about setting up a review page? I noticed on Mark's -Dog obedience website that he had 4 top dog training guides that he rated. He gave the top one 5 stars and the next two 4 stars, and the last one 2 1/2 stars. Would you always follow a similiar rating method. I realize that sometimes you can make repeat sales from one person, so you want to have at least two or three high rated products. But, wouldn't you be more likely to make another sale if your second highest rated product had 4 1/2 stars rather than just 4? That would show that it's coming in at a close second. Infact you could put two of them at 4 1/2, and then maybe you'll get a few customers to return and purchase one of these two products. Then you could give the final product (assuming you have 4 products) a 3 star rating. While you probably wouldn't sale anybody on a 2 1/2 star product, or a 3 star product, at least with a 3 star product you'd be more likely to. I don't know, maybe you know a better way. If so, share it here. Perhaps there is better method that doesn't involve rating them with stars. What works for you?This topic was started on Jun 09, 2011 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.