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PLR & duplicate content

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PLR & duplicate content

Sorry about this barrage of questions but I really don't know anyone who is into this and usually when I ask no-one answers, so this is quite a novelty! But I want to use quite a bit of my content from one website and use it for another to promote a particluar affiliate product :wink: to a larger audience, also for free ebooks. I saw on the PLR video that the penalities for duplicate content aren't as bad as we're led to believe, which has been what has stopped me. Can anyone please enlighten me on this? Legends!
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Well I have read the same thing Lateres, I've got a ton of PLR content, problem is when you purchase the packages sometimes you don't really know what your getting. Often I find that the content in some of the packages is way off topic for my needs.

I even joined a site, for a buck, first 30 days, and then 29.95 a month after that. But I cancelled the subscriptions because even thought I had full access to the content, it still wasn't suited for my needs.

I do have some I'm going to use though. I've seen the Article Content Wizard in action, and I must say, it really does do a good job of rewriting the content, and it even still makes sense afterwards. I tried a couple of other so called content rewriters, which were crap. After the software was finished doing it's thing, the articles looked like a 5 year old wrote them.

I am changing the articles myself right now, and then, using article compare in Traffic Travis which does a nice job of telling you the percentage of difference. It's pretty handy.

I'm looking for a way of creating content faster, so I might buy myself a Christmas present with the Article Content wizard. I think Adrian might have some experience with it as well. I see he is promoting it. For now maybe just try and change them a bit and compare them in TT.

Also, did you write this content in the first place, because if you did, and it's only on your other site, then maybe you would be just fine, it wouldn't be like a tonne of others had boughten the same content.

Just ideas, I don't know, hope it helps cheers Davin
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Davinator has some good points here. Ummm duplicate content laterales hmmmmm where to begin.

Well when you think about duplicate content, actually almost every website in the world copies some form of text. We all use a "general set" of words. What Google is trying to tell people is that if someone posts a 600 word article... you better not have that exact same article word for word on your site.... Do you follow? Article directories do not get penalized for duplicate content and they all carry it.

The link in my signature is only for doing a spin of articles. You can input which words you want to change and it memorizes them as you write more or paste more. It is handy for article marketing. Also, the first website to show the original content will be credited. By show I mean "indexed" or "cached" into Google's brain.

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I have just watched the video for Website Content Wizard and ooh I tells ya, I'm tempted. As a defiant do-it-yourselfer it takes quite a bit to get me to part with me money but that looks reeeally good. Just to be able to put your own articles through so you still feel like it is yours, it just changes key phrases enough so you could use them for different purposes. But being the cynic I am I still worry that Google will come up with something next to combat even this? What does anyone else think?
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I'm sure if you had enough people write articles about the same topic (Which is what happens), then certain bits of their articles are going to be similar. However, the article as a whole will still be completely different. I'm not a computer science PhD, but I fail to see how they can tell that you have a "duplicate" article.

I'm sure if you just change around certain things, then you would be fine.
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Well I tell you, after watching the videos over at with Matt Cutts from google, I don't think it would matter all that much.

I know I'm probably going to go ahead and take the plunge with the software, after all, if i'm not happy with it, it does have a good guarantee to it.

We've been programmed to think a lot of scare tactics when it come to Google and what their algorythyms do and think. It isn't quite as bad as we think, at least in some areas. If you want to watch a Q&A session yourself with Matt Cutts, go over to with Charles Hefling and I believe you access it through his blog from there. If not, I'm sure you'll find them, actually maybe it's in the forum. I can't remember, but it's good information whatever way you look at it.

I'm at the point of having to find a way to create content faster, my wrists are getting sore from typing. hahahaha Davin
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I m wondering fince a long time why the article directories sites are not penalized although all they have is duplicate content?

How is it possible?
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I m wondering fince a long time why the article directories sites are not penalized although all they have is duplicate content?

I think its because of the volume of content. I've read somewhere about the 70/30 rule, where up to 70% of you site can be duplicate content and the rest original.

Personally I built websites with mixed dup and original content, and when I was indexed, I got a shiny '3' from Google.
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laterales wrote:I have just watched the video for Website Content Wizard and ooh I tells ya, I'm tempted. As a defiant do-it-yourselfer it takes quite a bit to get me to part with me money but that looks reeeally good. Just to be able to put your own articles through so you still feel like it is yours, it just changes key phrases enough so you could use them for different purposes. But being the cynic I am I still worry that Google will come up with something next to combat even this? What does anyone else think?

There is no way to combat that. Because when it is published it is just like writing it yourself. Of course I never use these articles on my own sites. I use it for article marketing :wink: Although this tool is handy to create say 20 spin offs of one article so if you have a whole bunch of similar keywords and need a landing page, well then..........

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Good to know that.

thanks Alvin.

Alvin wrote:
I m wondering fince a long time why the article directories sites are not penalized although all they have is duplicate content?

I think its because of the volume of content. I've read somewhere about the 70/30 rule, where up to 70% of you site can be duplicate content and the rest original.

Personally I built websites with mixed dup and original content, and when I was indexed, I got a shiny '3' from Google.
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