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Please critique my site....

Posts: 11
Joined: 30 Apr 09

Please critique my site....

Hi All,

I made this site and if you search yahoo "how to toilet train a cat" it comes up on the first page. Still, I haven't made any money aside from the random google ad click. I would appreciate some advise...

Maybe I picked a bad niche - but it's something I know.

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ampie g
Posts: 381
Joined: 15 Oct 08
Hi Tara,

Just checked your site and there's a big popup box that I couldn't close. You may want to check that.

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Posts: 31
Joined: 05 May 09
Yes, the popup won't let me do anything except leave the site. But before the popup arrived, I noticed that while your text is informative, the paragraphs are pretty thick. You might want to add some spaces and break things up a bit. Also, the page width is very large, that is hard to read.

Other than that, I just got pop-up hell and left the site.
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Posts: 11
Joined: 30 Apr 09
Thank you - I turned off the pop-up!
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Posts: 1
Joined: 23 Dec 08
Hi Tara,

I'm new here, but I noticed a few things:
1) The header image, while very cute, is huge and on my laptop takes up almost half the screen. It doesn't leave much room to get me to move down the screen.
2) You have no headline to speak of. You need to get me curious - why do I want to toilet train my cat? As Perry Marshall says, when people go to the store to buy a drill, they don't want a drill, they want a hole. Think about that in your headline.
3) If you ask me, get rid of that Adsense block at the top, and let the text of your article flow in there -- get 'em reading. Like I said above, all I see on my laptop is the header, the Adsense, and the product image on the right -- no reason to stay. If you look at Marks example on his WOW Black Book site, there are no Adsense blocks keeping people from clicking his affiliate links.
4. Last and maybe most important, you show me right on the page (assuming I've stayed this long) all the steps to do it! Why do I need to buy the book? You've already told me how.

I hope you won't think I'm picking on you here; I don't mean it that way. Hope this helps you out.

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This topic was started on Jun 25, 2009 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.