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Please Critique my site

Posts: 246
Joined: 03 Apr 07

Please Critique my site

Hello all, i have been working on a site sence jan. (new years resolution to make money online) IMO it is my best site and i am proud of it. i update it regulary and am adding things to it all the time.i have had less than 10 sales sence jan. and i am having a hard time getting opt ins for a mailing list (general newsletter- (monthly) . IMO the site is not a bad site and there is alot of free quality information. and there is also a blog (new)

im using adword in all english speaking countries
if you can give an broad crtique (overall) or any tipsor ideas to improve it it would be great

thank you,
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Posts: 37
Joined: 22 Mar 09
Hey Nate,

First i commend you for going after not only one of the most competitive niches but also a very competitive clickbank product. When I was starting out I did not have the gumption to do that, so a big kudos goes out to you on that. You have a good Domain name and good layout.

One of the first things I do when looking at a site is try to figure out how the owner is promoting the site and what is the owner trying to get the visitor to do. If I came across your site doing research I would automatically assume this was an "adsence site" meaning the goal was to get the visitor to click a Google Ad as soon as possible and make you, the owner, a few cents.

But after reading your post I have to assume your main goal is to get the visitor over to with your hoplink so you can make a commission. If that is what you trying to do, I would suggest making the adsence less obvious or loss them all together. Even if they are not clicking on the Ads the predominance of the ads can turn off some visitors giving you a high bounce rate.

STOP GIVING TRUTHABOUTABS.COM TRAFFIC YOU WILL NOT GET PAID FOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Almost all of your above the fold links are sending traffic WITHOUT YOUR AFFILIATE ID!!!!!!!! See screen shot.


I am not sure how you are promoting the site if you are using PPC then these links can be killing your campaigns. If you are trying to rank on search engines you need to rewrite the articles so you don't suffer the duplicate content penalty.

Since you are hosting on Godaddy, I would do a wordpress install on that domain and start blogging on your site maybe in addition to This way you are putting fresh and unique content on your site and not just creating content for Google through

To help with newsletter subscriptions you might want to try an exit script that will put your newsletter offer right in someone face with a really good pitch on the pop.

I hope this helps and look forward to hearing back from you,

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Posts: 246
Joined: 03 Apr 07
hello and thank you for the kind words
HOLY MOLLY i did not even realize those links were there nor do i know how they got there but sure enough i looked in the link properties and there were there in the URL- (should be fixed now) i am mainly using ppc for my traffic-

my main goal is trying to (sell) the free eReport so i can build my list

can you give me any ideas as to why no one is signing up for the free eReport?? (IMO if someone clicks an ad for my site that means there intrested already) RIGHT??? so why arn't they signing up? i cant figure this out but i feel it must be that my (sales pitch is not good enough)
on average i visiters are staying 40-60 minutes but still no opt ins
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Posts: 37
Joined: 22 Mar 09
Hey Nate,

I would use that right sidebar to try and get some opt-ins. Get a headline in there that really makes them want to know more. Your copy has to make them want to sign-up. Get their attention and make them fill in that box to get your great, amazing, insider secrets, now while its still available, before the offer expires, before they become a fat losers that no one will like. Bend them to your will, THEN DELIVER on what you have promised.

If you are doing PPC, i am sure you are split testing your ad copy. Start split testing your opt-in forms on your site. See what works better. Get some type of ad rotating software and put your opt-in forms on it and see what converts.

Engage your visitor! Get them thinking, play on their weaknesses, offer a solution to a problem. Here is a headline i would try out to see if i could get subscribers to that type of newsletter.

WOW, DID YOU SEE HER GUT IN THAT DRESS?.... Don't let them say this behind your back! Find out the little known secrets that will keep your tummy looking flat and you looking HOT no matter what you wear.... or dont. These secrets will have them wondering how YOU DO IT. Don't worry we will not tell, it will be our little secret. Sign Up Below to start making them jealous.

The reason my headline targets women is because most visitors are women about 57%, so I am making the same assumption about your site.

No matter what, the above headline will always get more response than "Get your free fat loss report" Remember this little fact: According to Perry Marshall, free is not one of the top-10 most frequently used words in advertising nor is it one of the 16 most persuasive words in advertising! What to know what 26 words can have your visitors eating out of your hands? Sign up to my Newsletter to find out NOW.

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Posts: 246
Joined: 03 Apr 07
thank you for the help i will try that out
you have been very helpful
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