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page2 showing up in left sidebar

Posts: 41
Joined: 01 May 09

page2 showing up in left sidebar

Hey guys,

Help me out with this one. Not sure if I missed it in lessons or not. But the fact is I'm unable to figure it out.
I'm trying to build this website using wordpress -
The problem which I face is that I've written some long articles on a few topics, which I would like to spread over 2-3 pages.
At the end of 1st page, I provide a link to page 2. However, page 2 starts to appear in the left sidebar, which I do not wish.

eg - In Mark's wowblackbook website, in the left sidebar, he provides link only to WoW Enchanting Guide. The 1st page of the link is WoW Enchanting Guide and it's 2nd page is World of Warcraft Enchanting Guide. World of Warcraft Enchanting Guide does not show up in the left sidebar. Now this is what I want to emulate, but have been wondering how to do so.

Thanking you in advance,
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Posts: 107
Joined: 30 Apr 09
Hi Shalini,

I would also like to know how that is done. At first I thought simply don't publish the second page then as soon as that thought came into my mind I shook my head at the idea. It seems that you have found the answer. Would you share the solution with me please?

Also I noticed that you don't have any disclaimers etc on your site. The legal system is making it so that specific disclaimers are required to protect your earnings etc. With the permission of one of the affilorama staff members I'm trying to help people protect themselves against what I am calling the legal slap (to me it is a thousand times worse than the google slap. I have been google slapped in the sense of having Adsense removed from my sites for inadequate content). If you are interested in reading information that will help you to protect yourself I need permission from you to private message you with the link. To me this is about sound proofing our business and our assets whilst keeping out of jail.
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Posts: 41
Joined: 01 May 09
This is what I did :
When I made the 1st page - I added it as a "page".
Then I put a "Next Page" link at the bottom of the page and the 'next page' which I made was actually a "post". Creating the "Next Page" as a post made it not to appear in the left side bar.
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Posts: 1895
Joined: 01 Jun 09
You can exclude pages from the sidebar in the Affiloblueprint WordPress Theme by going to Theme Options > Sidebar Options and then entering the page ID in the Exclude Pages from Sidebar field.
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Posts: 41
Joined: 01 May 09
Thanks faradina - that's also a good idea
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This topic was started on May 15, 2009 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
