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Oh S**** what'd I do? My site's gone!

Posts: 170
Joined: 27 Dec 09

Oh S**** what'd I do? My site's gone!

Hey Guys,

I just installed the all in one SEO pack via filezilla as per instructions, activated it and bam! My site just disappeared.
I have;
deactivated the SEO pack

Deleted the SEO pack

Deleted the AWstats folder that I'd also just installed - even though the site was working fine after wards - and there is still just a massive blank space where my site should be - no error message or anything, just a big white space....

I know it's gotta be something simple......please......

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Kick-Butt Writing Services

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So you can get into Wordpress to deactivate the plugin, but your site itself has vanished? No error messages or anything when you look at it? What happens when you view the page source?

If you can't work it out... and you trust us ( :D ) you can PM me your vital stats and I can stick my nose in and have a look. If I can't figure it out, I've got an office full of geeks who might be able to help :)
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Are your changes not showing up on your website? Try doing a hard refresh!
Posts: 170
Joined: 27 Dec 09
Thanks Aletta,

After a bit more playing around I discovered that my theme had been deactivated due to a 'fatal error' blah blah. I reactivated it and everything returned to normal (major phew!).

Have installed the SEO plugin directly via Wordpress - not filezilla - and that works fine - but have yet to activate the AWStats.

If it all goes south again I'll definitely PM someone with the details!

Thanks anyway :o)

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Kick-Butt Writing Services

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Bet that woke you up better than the best coffee you've ever had!

FYI... now that you've done that... we're recommending the Platinum SEO pack in the new WP lessons which I have 90% completed. I think it's pretty much the same, it's just some people found the all-in-one SEO plugin conflicted with some other plugins they were trying to use.

You should be fine though, and it's easy enough to change later on if you want to :)
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Are your changes not showing up on your website? Try doing a hard refresh!
Posts: 170
Joined: 27 Dec 09
Amen! Thanks Aletta... Right O back to work.....
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Kick-Butt Writing Services

Outstanding Quality PLR Packs

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