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Nofollow menu plugin

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Joined: 28 Apr 09

Nofollow menu plugin

Hey all, just wondering if any of you know of a plug-in for WP that will insert the nofollow tag to menu nav? But not globally, rather individually. Much like the plugin that you can check to include in menu or not.

I may have this plug-in created if not.

To give a website more of professional look, it's nice to see contact, about, and other info into nav tabs. But as of right now you can't individually add nofollow to certain tabs and follow to others in WP without digging into source code. Don't want to pass pagerank off to about, terms, privacy and other misc. pages because they are in the menu nav.
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Site Admin
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Joined: 28 Mar 10
You can try this WordPress plugin It lets you enter the page ID's and page slugs of the pages or posts that you want to be 'nofollow-ed'
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I use a plug in called robots meta which allows you to just tick a box on individual posts & pages whether to follow or no follow or index or not index
Steven :))
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Thanks for reply, I think I may have to clear up what I mean.

If I set up the homepage as index/follow and I create an about page with nofollow, the homepage will show the about page as follow. So pagerank will still pass off to about page. On Marks Flight Sim site notice he does not have menu for this very reason. I need to be able to set the homepage to index/follow but add nofollow to about, contact, and other nav links (tabs) via wordpress admin. So if you use seo quake, you would see some of the nav menu as follow and others nofollow. I'm not talking about the links of to the side. Rather tab links normally located in the header of WP.
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This topic was started on May 11, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
