17 Nov 18 6:09 pm
first off, I never built up a website. I never even tried.
I'm creating a group on facebook and this is enough complicated for my little brain...
Don't attach too much importance to my view about these things
1) Blue, yellow and black are too different colours for me. Too much contrast.
Maybe we should distinguish between background and single elements.
At least (for me) the background should have a homogeneous colour.
As I said, I like websites where there is a predominant colour, or colour family: different shades of blue, for example.
I don't like too strong contrast, green on red, for example, or the opposite, red on green. It hurts, somehow
2) Ok
3) Ok. At first sight I thought you were using more fonts.
I saw wrong
4) You are right
5) The 404 thing.
Pictures leave impressions in the memory, or subconscious, much more that concepts. Maybe because they stir up emotions.
You read a detailed article about how good Peter is.
After that you are confronted with pictures about Peter kicking children, pushing neighbours, stealing old women etc.
Three month later you'll have forgotten the content of the article about Peter and of the pictures too, but If someone ask you what do you think about Peter, you'll go like this: ... I don't know... I don't remember precisely... but I have a bad feeling about that guy...
So, when I come at your website and I see all the many 404 pictures, there is the danger that in my mind, or better, in my subconscious, I'll associate
foxscribble with
404, i.e. with
not functioning,
upset etc.
So, three months later, or six months later... I'll go like that: "Foxscribble? ... I don't know... I can't remember what that website was about... but I have a bad feeling about that... I don't know why...
As I said, this is just my taste, which by the way doesn't count much since I'm not an expert on this field
All the best Kishor!