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need help with site idea

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need help with site idea

hi every one
I know your all here trying to have your own ideas and probabl wont be able to give any up.But im having a mind block I have been studying being an affiliate for a couple of months . been scammed a couple of times ,but I still know its the way to go. Im a plum ber in nz 2ic at my firm so I believe im not too bad at what I do.very invoveld in tae kwon watching movies.I have three children and another on the I dont have alot of money.I have no idea what to start with.also I would love to remain a member here but things are so tight that Ive spent money I shouldnt have to get some real info which im definitly getting here.can any one help me to come up with a begining.
my appologies if this is not the sort of thing I should be posting,Ive just got have something going.Ive had hundreds of income making ideas in the past mosty no good .but you have to try.I feel that my wife is getting aliittle sick of it all.this endevour will be my last grasp at the stars.
far out thats a bit long.

cheers kevin /nz
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Hey Kevin,

All things going well, this will be your last endevour. Once you've watched the videos, you'll know a lot more and have a lot of questions to ask. When you do, we'll be here.

A taekwondo site could be a good idea to start with, do some research to see if it is or not though. Do you have any other hobbies or areas of interest?
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It's all here my friend. Watch the videos, learn and live.

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Don't worry about scams (I've been scammed too), when I look back, I've learned a lot. I also started without money at all! no money, no job, but with my volunty to succeed

Watch the videos, and research your market. I practiced taekwondo as well... Look if this market is profitable, (I think so).

I know from my martial art experience that nothing (except God) can stop me. If you are practicing taekwondo since a long time, your mindset is rock solid!

You can expand: Taekwondo, Karate

OR Corean martial arts.

What you need to do:

1) listen to the mindset of a super affiliate
2) Watch the videos (roadmap)
3) Print the PDFs
4) Restart from the first videos with the PDF as handbook
5) Do one thing at a time.
5,5) Ask in the forum when you are stuck
6) Believe that you will succeed
...7) Cash your checks!!!
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Did you see the amazing case studies on my blog
Affiloblueprint Bonus:
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cheers everyone
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I guess being scammed is a part of the learning curve.

For ideas - Use something you like and can offer advice about, to beginners. You do Tae Kwando - why?, Whats your goals in Tae Kwando?

Now take your answers and you have the benefits needed to set up a good title' Eg -"I took Tae Kwando for self defence because it it looked easier to learn than some other Martial Arts".

Title could be something like - Self Defence - Fastrack to lethal in 5 days.

You also have a baby on the way - Do you have any idea how everyone wonders just how crazy their wife will go when she gets pregant?
Just don't put up a title like "Will you be as stupid as my wife was" or you might find your wife does something nasty to your plumbing!

Ideally you want a topic that can lead to several products. A major one that will be your primary product and one or more lesser ones that you can give away as 'sweetners' to get optins and build a relationship with your customers.

What about solving plumbing problems on line, explaining the mysterious bits like an Ajax valve etc?

Hope this helps.
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Ok... First I know how you feel! I think all of us have been scammed in trying to be involved in this industry. Those scammers know we exsist. But like Sean says... this will be your last resource. It simply is straight forward, and everything Mark has done exudes confidence and reality! He truly has a passion for teaching what he knows best!

An idea: Ok... a few months ago my hot tub would not work. Yet, the plumber was going to charge me over $500US to come out and fix it. Well after about 6 hours on the internet, and going through tons of forums... I found nothing! I gave up and then finally called someone I found on Craigslist. He told me what to do! It was a clog in the main filter... a lava stone... dont ask! ;-)

From what I have learned and from Mark's videos - and being on a budget like most of us... Follow your Passions! We are all experts on something! This work is easier if you follow your root passion!

Good luck, and we look forward to your evolution!
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superaff wrote:Don't worry about scams (I've been scammed too), when I look back, I've learned a lot. I also started without money at all! no money, no job, but with my volunty to succeed

Watch the videos, and research your market. I practiced taekwondo as well... Look if this market is profitable, (I think so).

I know from my martial art experience that nothing (except God) can stop me. If you are practicing taekwondo since a long time, your mindset is rock solid!

You can expand: Taekwondo, Karate

OR Corean martial arts.

What you need to do:

1) listen to the mindset of a super affiliate
2) Watch the videos (roadmap)
3) Print the PDFs
4) Restart from the first videos with the PDF as handbook
5) Do one thing at a time.
5,5) Ask in the forum when you are stuck
6) Believe that you will succeed
...7) Cash your checks!!!

After reading this post it just hit me,,, is that what kashcheck's nickname means? Cash the check? lol

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Kevin, I know how you feel. I've been here for about three months now.
Finding a niche topic for a website has been the most difficult and frustrating
thing for me. I watched all the relevant videos and search all over the net for free info on finding a niche website topic. I spent some money on stuff too but haven't got scammed as yet. I probably have a bit more time than you as I own my own business and this is the slowest time of the year so I have probably put in more time researching and studying than most. It took me a few months before I understood how to recognize a niche. To grasp the concept if you will. Even though I was applying all the tools and search techniques that I learned for identifying a niche I was still coming up with nothing. But the more I applied what Mark said and learned from other places I started to understand the concept of niche topics better. I now have three niche topics that I think are going to do very well. I started working on my website for the first one last week. Once you understand the whole concept, finding a niche market wont be that difficult. Mark has some good info here. Plus do some more searching on the net about the topic. It takes time and a lot of work but little by litte it will all come together in your head and you will start thinking like an internet marketer more and more. My suggestion to you from one newbie to another is watch every single video that Mark has. You dont need to understand it all just start absorbing it. It will help you to start developing an internet marketing mindset. And then go back and listen more selectively to certain videos. And ask quesions here on the forum.

Blessings :)
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lunatunes wrote:Kevin, I know how you feel. I've been here for about three months now.
Finding a niche topic for a website has been the most difficult and frustrating
thing for me. I watched all the relevant videos and search all over the net for free info on finding a niche website topic. I spent some money on stuff too but haven't got scammed as yet. I probably have a bit more time than you as I own my own business and this is the slowest time of the year so I have probably put in more time researching and studying than most. It took me a few months before I understood how to recognize a niche. To grasp the concept if you will. Even though I was applying all the tools and search techniques that I learned for identifying a niche I was still coming up with nothing. But the more I applied what Mark said and learned from other places I started to understand the concept of niche topics better. I now have three niche topics that I think are going to do very well. I started working on my website for the first one last week. Once you understand the whole concept, finding a niche market wont be that difficult. Mark has some good info here. Plus do some more searching on the net about the topic. It takes time and a lot of work but little by litte it will all come together in your head and you will start thinking like an internet marketer more and more. My suggestion to you from one newbie to another is watch every single video that Mark has. You dont need to understand it all just start absorbing it. It will help you to start developing an internet marketing mindset. And then go back and listen more selectively to certain videos. And ask quesions here on the forum.

Blessings :)

Well said :)

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You're definitely coming along well Randy, goodstuff :)
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adrian wrote:After reading this post it just hit me,,, is that what kashcheck's nickname means? Cash the check? lol

Adrian, are right Adrian! Actually, Kash is my dog's name had the intention to name my second dog Check so I will have "Kash & Check" with me. Just being a little money minded when naming my dogs. :P

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I think that a lot of people can tell you from experience the success they have had using this program. I can tell you from experience that of anything you could have purchased this is the best. The forum alone has saved me tons of time and money.

In fact, before I joined the program a few months ago, I didn't really know anything about how to correctly do SEO, and was about to dish out of couple of thousand dollars (which I really didn't have to spend :lol: ) to get someone to do it for me. Mark told me to try it on my own, and since then I have been giving my best. I have gotten high rankings in google, yahoo and msn ALL THANKS TO THIS PROGRAM. I can honestly say, that I would not be as far along as I am now without the help and support of Mark and the people in this forum.

Just be patient and take your time, follow the directions and you will be well on your way to success. 8)
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thanks a heep to all of you I am now moving along at a good steady pace lots to do . so thanks again its helped to listen to you all
cheers kevin
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kevin1234 wrote:thanks a heep to all of you I am now moving along at a good steady pace lots to do . so thanks again its helped to listen to you all
cheers kevin

Good stuff :D

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