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My webhost, "" has disappeared - Help!

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Joined: 29 Jun 06

My webhost, "" has disappeared - Help!

I had (or maybe still have) a webhost," owned by Ray McNally.I am at my wits end because my 4 sites have been off the air while they do a "few days" of server work which is now almost 3 weeks.No email to send to find this guy and I am worried I am not going to have any sites up at all and maybe he left town or something.I figure if anyone knows this man it would be the people here.Can you help me find him and get some confirmation that he will indeed honor his commitments and come back on the air?? thank you very much.I did not want to mention someone's name,but I don't know what to do.The biggest problem is I bought "lifetime" hosting from him and it is too good of a deal too let go of.Maybe that is why he is not around anymore,eh?

On the same subject does anyone know of this company
: as I am looking into a new arrangement for 4 sites while I wonder what to do. Or does anyone have suggestions for hosting for 4 simple sites from xsitepro w/little bandwidth for not too much money?
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Can't say I've heard of that company, but lifetime hosting sounds like a big claim to make...

You can host unlimited domains on host gator for $9.95 a month, that's who I use. And they aren't going to shut up shop overnight either :)
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Hosting is the heart of your business. No hosting = no store.

Get a good host.

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If you do a whois of you get some contact information for this guy you mention. Whether any of it is legit or whether he actually answers you is another matter.

Administrative Contact:
McNally, Raymond
2800 E. Whitestone Blvd. Ste. 120 PMB 137
Cedar Park, Texas 78613
United States
5122466370 Fax -- 5122466370
email: [email protected]

( broken link removed )

He also owns which also appears to be down.

Looking at a cached version of the page I see that you would have paid for it through paypal. If you've done this within the past 60 days there are a couple of things you could try:

1) If you paid with a credit card with a paypal account, you can contact your credit card company and ask for a chargeback. This is your best chance, I'd say you have almost 100% chance of getting your money back, and it's much better than trying to work through paypal.

2) If you didn't use your paypal account you can still contact paypal and dispute the charge.

If it's been more than 60 days... you can try, but there are no guarantees. Your best bet then is to just stalk the guy and harass him :)

As for getting your sites back... hopefully you will have had them backed up on your computer. If not, you can try trawling Google for cached versions of your site, or again -- keep harassing the guy.

Sorry this happened to you. When you're looking for hosting it's always going to be better to go with reputable companies, and realize that you usually get what you pay for.

Good luck!
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Last edited by ampie g on 25 Jan 10 1:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: broken link removed

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One more thing:

I just noticed that is hosted by, which itself yields different contact information than the other sites if you do a whois on it. is in turn hosted by . Sooooo... if worst comes to worst, it might be possible to contact Liquidweb and see if they can do anything about resurrecting content from your sites. Not too sure if they'd be keen, but you could try.

Ok, enough sleuthing for today!
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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37:
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-thank you,Mark for the time you spent on this.I should have known to do this.I think I tried once way back when,but at the time the info was"guarded".thanks
I signed up for the hosting at "affilorama" for the site I need the most while I look at vsp's and other options..
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