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My affiliate links don't work in IE

Posts: 3
Joined: 17 Nov 09

My affiliate links don't work in IE

I have a weird one on my hands here!

I have built a site originaly using Marks flight pro sim word press theme, I recently bought Artisteer and uploaded another theme to make it my own. Every thing seems ok except for my links work fine within firefox, but when i open IE my page opens up ok though the links to my affiliates site don't seem to work! The screen just hangs. I have tested on other PC with the same results. I am stumped and i need some desperate help! Anything!!
Here is the link to my site to check out banner links etc

I appreciate all the help i can get.
Kind regards
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Posts: 47
Joined: 29 May 09
I just clicked both your banner links and your anchot text links and they worked from my computer. I am using IE.
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What version of IE are you using?

You may have to upgrade.
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Ok thanks for the reply, it's just one of those wierd phenomenon, i have IE 8 and still wont open in my computer or my brothers mac! but will open with firefox! we'll see how we go
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Posts: 1895
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I have IE8 and I just tested your links. They work just fine for me.
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Posts: 3
Joined: 17 Nov 09
Thanks all for taking the time out to check my links. I also tested on another computer using IE and it worked, go figure!
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Posts: 19
Joined: 24 Dec 12
IE tends to be a little glitchy and buggy for a lot of people, I know you want to optimize your websites for all browsers in order to maximize the amount of traffic but sometimes its best to just stick with the "winners": Chrome, Firefox & Safari.
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