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Multiple tracking codes

Posts: 68
Joined: 08 May 07

Multiple tracking codes

I found the help from Sean and Adrian that explained how to redirect a click from a search engine to your site:




This is really great, and I use it now with success. However, I would like to track multiple ads with different ID codes. Up until now, I've had a separate folder on my site, each with its own PHP file for each ad to link to. This was good with a small amount of ads. Now I've got lots.

I'm not really sure how link hijacking works from a technical standpoint, but would it be safe for me to somehow pass an "ad ID code" to my PHP page, so I could have only that 1 PHP page on my site instead of hoards, and based on the ID code the page receives, it would know which site to direct the user to?

Thanks for the help!

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Posts: 68
Joined: 08 May 07
AAck! I just noticed something. When I added the multiple folders, all with a separate PHP script to track each ad, Google upped my CPC rate by a bunch for almost all my keywords.

I take it the keyword quality score must have something to do with how long your redirect page has been in existence.

I didn't think Google would actually try to rank your keywords based on your in-between PHP redirect pages they?

Thanks for your help

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Last edited by dewey on 06 Nov 07 9:12 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 1004
Joined: 16 Jun 06
I didn't know they would do that, I've never noticed it myself.

Can't help you with the php though :)
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Hmm I'm not too sure on that. I'm not PHP expert. I would suggest if you want to track multiple ads it is best to start off with multiple folders from the start. Try it on a new campaign if you can and see what it does to your CPC.
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