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lost everything on my blog please help!

Posts: 24
Joined: 25 Nov 09

lost everything on my blog please help!

Happy New year to everyone!
I was treying to make change to my blog ans somehow I could not go back there. I tryeverything contact and no help.

I put some post on the forums here still no luck at all.

I try to go back to affilorama hosting and reintall but I ome up with this message.
((u do not have enough databases left to install this script, please contact sales to upgrade your account.))
Can anyone help me. what i did i did all my change with admin plus my password but now is not working.
I do not know what to do is my first ever website(blog) that I try to built with my unique articles from elance.
My ezines article still running but no website to refer too.(can I still run it or suspend for my reputations)
I am happy for anyone to help my blog address WAS
and all what i have now when going there is this one
((((Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')', expecting '(' in /home/sites/XBOX360HELPONLINE.COM/public_html/wp-content/themes/producer/functions.php on line 9))))
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Site Admin
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Joined: 09 Jul 06
Looks like something has gone wrong with your wordpress installation.

You're only allowed 10 mySQL databases with the Affilorama hosting. At least one database is created each time you install wordpress (on any of the domains you've got hosted with us), and you might use more databases depending on what sort of plugins etc you add to your wordpress sites.

So that's why you're getting that error message.

I'm not sure where the unexpected ( is coming from.

I'm going to refer this to one of our support guys who might be able to get you sorted out. The easiest way to fix this is to delete everything from your site, delete those mySQL databases, and then start again.... but then you lose all your content. It's possible to back up your content so you can restore it later, but I can't tell which database is the right one for your blog.

We'll see what the other guys say :)
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Are your changes not showing up on your website? Try doing a hard refresh!
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Joined: 17 May 06
First thing is, you need to fix the PHP error in your theme - once you have that fixed the site should load more and you'll get more idea of whats going on there.

Deleting and re-installing the blog isn't going to fix this error. Either change the theme or fix the theme.
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Posts: 24
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what is that PHP error? and How to fix it please! Please
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You can download the wordpress backup plugin. It send you an email every week with a backup of your blog.

I've lost a two years old blog (they hacked it), so I know what it is.

Remember: always backup. This will save you a lot of headaches (and commissions)
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Did you see the amazing case studies on my blog
Affiloblueprint Bonus:
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can i cancelled that online blog and write another one with the same web address (
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Posts: 24
Joined: 25 Nov 09
I went to my affilorama hosting account and try reinstall my files and come up with this. why is that?

WordPress Blog
Version 2.9.1
WordPress is arguably the most popular blogging software available today! It's easy to install and use and will allow you to have a great looking blog in minutes.
Please note that installing this CGI Script will use one of your MySQL databases.
Choose An Installation Directory
You do not have enough databases left to install this script, please contact sales to upgrade your account.
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Posts: 1895
Joined: 01 Jun 09
I am locking this thread. Y'all know why. If anybody wants the answer to Kepeliki's concern above about not having enough databases, go to the FAQ When I try to install wordpress on my Affilorama Premium-hosted site it tells me that I have no more databases left in the Affilorama Support Center.
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