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Limited or Unlimted MySQL?

geoff pun
Posts: 53
Joined: 25 Mar 07

Limited or Unlimted MySQL?

:D hi guys,

what's the difference from an affiliate business point of view to have a hosting account with 100 limited mysql instead of an unlimited one? :?
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Posts: 1083
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You either have 100 databases or you have "unlimited" but obviously there is a limit to what the server can handle..... for the most part... I only use about 3 or 4 .... I doubt you will be using 100 databases.
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Posts: 36
Joined: 08 Jan 07
Hi Geoff,

I think it actually depends on how many sites you are going to host under that hosting account. Generally you won't require more than 3-4 with each of your websites ( as Adrian suggested).

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Yeh, be careful whenever you see "unlimited" on a hosting site. More often than not it's not true. Most of the time it's not an issue (i.e You may only have 1000 MYSQL databases, but thats more than you'll ever use anyway) but sometimes companies will offer unlimited bandwidth when it's just not the case.
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...but if you plan on creating a bunch of wordpress blogs, or even forums, each one has it's own database so keep that in mind. If you only have one hundred make sure there is an upgrade package to add more if you need them - which there usually is so you can always add features as your needs grow.

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