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Is you WCW base thesaurus populated with many entires?

Posts: 62
Joined: 15 Oct 06

Is you WCW base thesaurus populated with many entires?

I know this is a little off topic for the Affilorama forum questions, but something is puzzling me. With WCW, is your base thesaurus already supposed to be populated with up to 30,000 entries like David talks about
in the videos or do we actually have to populate that as well. or does it just get populated over time, with the more articles created? Just wondering as mine doesn't have anything in it, and I was under the impression from the videos that the base thesaurus was already populated.

thanx Davin
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Posts: 1083
Joined: 17 Jun 06
The base is already populated. You must be doing something wrong. Double click the word you want, then right click and click select. It will bring up the words in the default base. You can double click those thesaurus words and add them. When you are finished, click mark to mark just that word, or mark all to get every word.


PS: Actually, instead of double clicking the word you want to change, just slowly highlight it in your article, whenever you double click it always has an extra space after the word, which when published, woul read like these next twowords.

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Posts: 1083
Joined: 17 Jun 06
If you can't get it, I'll do a video for you.

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Posts: 62
Joined: 15 Oct 06
I did everything you said, but I still can't get them to show up. I'm wondering maybe something wrong with the download, hmmm, I don't know. Are you using the newest version . 2.0.1. At this rate maybe I will need a video! No I take that back, I think I just got it! Thanx I'll let you know how it's coming. Davin
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