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Is XSite Pro limited to just one style?

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Is XSite Pro limited to just one style?

Is XSite Pro limited to just one style. That is Header, Left Panel, Right Panel, Main Body and footer. What if I wanted my Home Page to be different then my other pages. Like with this homepage templage for example: ... 1Qp4Mk93Ad

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Yes, you can build a different home page from the rest of your site but it would require setting up a separate directory for each style, which can get confusing to set up unless you're experienced.

Xsitepro's strong suit is to create good looking sites that are seo optimised and linked properly fast. Generally you can spot an XSP site a mile away - not that that's a bad thing, most people don't make the effort to make their site unique looking. If you want to create something a little more creative it's going to take some planning on your end. Here's a page that will give you an example of the different styles of sites you can build with it: *broken link*

Basically, if you're looking to design really complex designs, you may as well just opt for Dreamweaver, if you want out of the box simplicity to hit the ground running... XSP is perfect!


PS If you decide to go with XSP and you buy from my link, I'll give you a $25 Rebate and a copy of my XSP Traffic Report Free, send me a PM if interested.
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Last edited by michellerana on 01 Mar 10 11:38 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: remove broken link

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You can select to "ignore page layout settings" for any page
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Eddie53 wrote:You can select to "ignore page layout settings" for any page

Yes, but that gets rid of your header and everything.

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Well, I did it....I took the plunge.

I got dreamweaver!!!! Well, it actually wasn't much of a financial plunge as my friend gave me his for free. It's DW mx 2004.

Ive gone through the DW video tutorials. I'm going to go through the DW software help section also.

Say Mark, do you plan on doing anymore DreamWeaver videos?

Also, I cant figure out how to use that round corners tool that I downloaded from your blog.

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Randy, what sort of problems are you having with instant corners?
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Hey Sean, Just a small problem, that being....I dont know how to do it..LOL
It's purpose is to put round corners on a table...correct. I cant seem to do it:(

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Hello Randy,

Try the below tool out. In my opinion it is by far the best and the easiest to use website builder around. Fantastic video tutorials and a forum with almost 20 000 people. It is free to download and to use.

The "catch" is that once you build your pages with it you have to use their hosting package in order to publish your site.

Alhough I wouldn't call it a catch at all. You get 24 000 MB of disk space, 600G monthly transfer, you can host unlimited number of domain names on the same account and if you sign for a year you also get free domain name for 7.95 per month.

I honestly love that tool and its discovery made me to get involved into publishing business.

Even if you are not interested in their hosting package you can still keep the builder forever and play around with your ideas and imagination.

Try it out and let me know what do you think about it.

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crowzy wrote:Hello Randy,

Try the below tool out. In my opinion it is by far the best and the easiest to use website builder around. Fantastic video tutorials and a forum with almost 20 000 people. It is free to download and to use.

Try it out and let me know what do you think about it.


I'm checking it out now...Thanks.
I dont think it will do what I need though....but I will find out.

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The tool is pretty simple. Just open it up, choose what colours you want everything, choose your size, where you want to save it, then its done.

Just open up the html file called table and you're good to go.

Let me know if you still need a hand.
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sean06 wrote:The tool is pretty simple. Just open it up, choose what colours you want everything, choose your size, where you want to save it, then its done.

Just open up the html file called table and you're good to go.

Hi Sean, I did all that. I opened up the html file and it open up a window in my browser and in the window was the round cornered box that I created and in the middle of the box was written,
"Congratulations on your new rounded corners =)
There are 8 images for this table:
corner1-4 are the corners
side1-4 are the sides"

So I have it in my browser window but I dont know how to get it to my web page. I know I must be missing something very obvious here.
Try not to make me look to silly...LOL

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Well, now you are the proud new owner of dreamweaver it's a piece of cake.

Find the table.html file and right click it and select "Edit with Dreamweaver". This will open it up so you can play around with it.

That should fix it for you.
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sean06 wrote:Well, now you are the proud new owner of dreamweaver it's a piece of cake.

Find the table.html file and right click it and select "Edit with Dreamweaver". This will open it up so you can play around with it.

That should fix it for you.

Well, I dont know about being the proud owner of Dream Weaver.
I did what you said and yes it did open it up in DW. Now I'm not a rocket scientist......but I'm no idiot either and I could not figure out how to make the table the size that I wanted. It gives you four seperate corners and four separate sides all wrapped around a middle box and each one you are able to change.......well sorta. You cant always get them to go the way you want. At least I cant. Now granted I haven't read the tutorial on this if it even does explain it but something as simple as changing the size of this table should be pretty self explainatory. I know how to change the size of any other table in DW. But those rules dont seem to apply here.
I was up until 3:30am learning DW and I now know why people sometimes shy away from it because of the learning curve.
I would pay extra for a whole slew of video tutorials on Dream Weaver....LOL

Can you help me on the table Sean.

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To make the table bigger, you can just edit the image sizes. To do this, just click on one of the 4 sides and increase the width or length. Leave the corners alone.
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