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Is there a tutorial about concept design of your website?

Posts: 2
Joined: 16 Jul 07

Is there a tutorial about concept design of your website?

Hi Guys,

What seems to be missing from Mark's program, and please correct me if I'm wrong, is a tutorial that deals with concept design for your website. What I mean is, let's say, for example, that I want to build a site centered around pie recipes. Let's say that I find several pie recipe ebooks at clickbank that are offering affiliate programs. What do you now suggest to help me design a site centered around marketing pie recipes? In other words what are the BASIC FEATURES that must appear on your website before we start to deal with basic web design, keyword research, etc.? Obviously, the information you provide can be applied to any affiliate program/niche market that we want to promote.

Thank you for any assistance forthcoming.

David Neumann
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All you need is content for your user. This can be a ton of things, from articles, blog posts, videos etc etc. It's not a simple answer.

You would've seen a couple of Mark's sites in the videos, why not just model something like that for your first site?
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Hi Sean,

Thanks for your reply. My question to you is this - OK I realize that content is what determines what features you will be using in order to promote your website. However, and forgive me for being perhaps simplistic or naive, but is there some type of template or something of the nature of a Basic Website 101 that can enable people new to internet marketing, such as myself, to get a website up and running QUICKLY in order to experience their first successful venture? It goes without saying that success leads to more success, etc.

Looking forward to your reply.

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I would suggest that you just have another look at a couple of Mark's sites.

They are the closest thing to a template that you're going to see.

And as for the quickest way to put up a site..... it's just by actually putting one up. Just get a domain, put a site up and work from there. Don't sit around waiting for everything to be perfect before you get into it.
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I think having a pre-determined layout is bad IMO.... the whole web would like like wordpress.... and well.... if you can learn to be creative from the start... it will help you a lot more in the long run.... with that said though, there is a "typical" review style page which works best.
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Hi David,

If you're looking for a basic template, check the members area for a couple of site templates. There's one on gnomes and one on pies -- since we know you like pies!

The templates follow the "article section and review page" blueprint, which is basically what we've been talking about. They haven't been designed in any particular web design software, so you can just open up the index.html, go view > source and see how everything fits together. If you want to edit it you can either use a web design software, or just open the source code up using notepad. Then just get your own content and use it to replace the existing content.

Change the graphics... upload it, and see if it works!

Hope that helps,
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