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Is my first site any good?

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Is my first site any good?

I have just made my first site after buying the affiloramablueprint so I'm not sure if its any good or if it needs any improvement. I've noticed that the articles are maybe not as good as I paid for ($10 each) but I'm not sure, and also the banners on the pages may not be the best ones (no movement in them or call to action). Anyways, I want to start the link building but for that I would need someone experienced to have a look at the site and give me the green light or point me areas to improve.
Thank you very much,

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site link?
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Sorry ppl, half asleep when i wrote this :P
here is the link:
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Hi, I've just taken a quick look at your site and I must say it looks good! Way better than my first site!

Just a small note that it's probably a good idea to keep your meta description just a little shorter (say 140 words max) so it doesn't get truncated when it shows up in the search results.

Other than that I think you're good to go! I saw your site has already been indexed by Google so you probably don't need to worry about the indexing part and just go straight to link building. I'd advice submitting for social bookmarks and rss directories just to start with some easy links.

I did notice though that the main keyword you are optimizing for seems to have quite low searches. Not too much of a concern at this stage though since you can optimize for secondary keywords later.

That said, you could probably get top ranking quite easily if you try for the keyword in your site address. Exact match search volume seems to be about the same as your primary keyword except that you've got the advantage of exact match domain. I had a look at the search results for the phrase "secrets to get your ex back" and top place is an ezine article with a youtube video being #10 so competition is pretty light I'd say.

Hope that helps. Sorry if I sounded a bit cryptic. It's because I'm trying as much as possible not to reveal things about your niche/site that you haven't already said. :)

All the best and keep do us updated!

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Yes well done,get backliks and an opt in to build a mailing list
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I know the site is about getting ex back, but if someone come to your site after he type "how to attract a woman", you might want to recommend products that can answer his question (such as double your dating or guy gets girl) rather than promoting magic of making up.

The same for Signs He Love You and Signs She Likes You
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Thank you guys, this really pulled my confidence up.
Joshuas - that idea is really good, I was building backlinks for the ones i thought it would convert better, but the competition is harder. (did better in yahoo and msn though) the meta description I thought in leaving it like this so it would look more natural. will be doing that.

affil96754 - Thank you, waiting for some money to make that minicourse series and only after i was thinking in putting the email box... is that a tasmanian devil that you have in your profile picture? cool.

stefan1601 - Yes, I thought about that and even made some animated ads in photoshop but was wasting too much time :S I'm thinking on going like this now and as soon as possible (after making some $$) will get those targeted products and ads, plus insert the optin in the bottom of the articles and the pop up.

Thanx once again guys, i really appreciate your comments.
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Yes, your site does look great! :) I can tell you put in a lot of work into it. Your pages are properly monetized. You have good content (with over 20 articles each having more than 500 words). You also have money pages / product review pages would convert well to sales.

I also checked your links and they are all working. Broken links can adversely affect your site's search engine rankings so you need to make sure that your links are working. It’s good that you have set up redirects for your affiliate links. This will make your affiliate links more appealing to click on.

Here are a few suggestions to help improve it further:

1. Having a welcome page as your homepage. This would help develop a relationship with your visitors and monetize your site.

2. Optimizing your page on ONE keyword per page only. You have used multiple keywords on your pages. It would be best to use only one keyword per page so that you could properly optimize it.

All you need is your main keyword phrase. If you use "long-tail keywords" and a certain keyword phrase is within your targeted keyword phrase, you would also get the chance to rank for it. You can rank for the whole long-tail keyword phrase or a portion of it! (ie if you optimized for the phrase "breaking up with someone you love" you will also rank for breaking up with someone, breaking with someone you love, breaking with someone).

An optimized page would get a rating of “A” in Traffic Travis. Make sure that you have your keywords in all of the following: meta description, meta keywords, title tags, H1 tags and within the first 50 words of your article.

3. Having a good newsletter series can earn you more money than with pure SEO. I suggest that you download and read Mark's 5 Step Formula for Making $10K/Month Online report and Getting your newsletter series off the ground: Essential questions answered

4. You could increase your font size a little bit so that it would be easier to read your articles.

5. A favicon would look great on your site :) If you are using Affilotheme, you could follow the instructions on this page: How do I add a favicon in AffiloTheme?

Hope that helps!
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Thanx michellerana, regarding your comment:
1. Having a welcome page as your homepage. This would help develop a relationship with your visitors and monetize your site.

It seems a good idea, the question i have is can i just add that introduction to the beginning of the current place or would it be better to just make a full article for the main page? and since google already indexed the domain page as it is wont i have any problems in changing the post completely?

2. Optimizing your page on ONE keyword per page only. You have used multiple keywords on your pages. It would be best to use only one keyword per page so that you could properly optimize it.

You saying to put ONLY the main article keyword in the keyword field of the Platinum SEO Pack?
I've checked all the pages on Traffic Travis and adjust them according to its suggestions until i got all the pages A or A+. Quite easy really, just had to follow the instructions.

3. Having a good newsletter series can earn you more money than with pure SEO. I suggest that you download and read Mark's 5 Step Formula for Making $10K/Month Online report and Getting your newsletter series off the ground: Essential questions answered

Yap downloaded and reading ;) Just waiting for some $$ to get those 1800 wrds Articles for the email series. Thanx!

4. You could increase your font size a little bit so that it would be easier to read your articles.
Done, increased from 14 to 18px.

5. A favicon would look great on your site :) If you are using Affilotheme, you could follow the instructions on this page: How do I add a favicon in AffiloTheme?
Yap will do that in Photoshop and follow those instructions.

Thank you very much these are all very good ideas that i will be implementing.
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disorder77 wrote: 1. Having a welcome page as your homepage. This would help develop a relationship with your visitors and monetize your site.

It seems a good idea, the question i have is can i just add that introduction to the beginning of the current place or would it be better to just make a full article for the main page? and since google already indexed the domain page as it is wont i have any problems in changing the post completely?

You could just add an introduction at the beginning of the article :)
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If you want to start a newsletter series just sign-up to the affiliate section of the product you are promoting and they usually have articles in there that can be used for a newsletter series. In this case checkout and fill out your email and the creator of the product sends you info, including articles I believe.

May need a bit of tweaking here and there but its a start. You would probably have to give credit to the author of the article and make sure its ok first but thats what I've done in the past and it works well.
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Geek Face - Solving The Technical Headaches of Blogging & Internet Marketing
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michellerana wrote:2. Optimizing your page on ONE keyword per page only. You have used multiple keywords on your pages. It would be best to use only one keyword per page so that you could properly optimize it.

Michelle, GREAT post there!
Re/ #2: How can you write (or have written) a quality article of considerable length that uses only ONE keyphrase, ie. AVOIDS all related other keyphrases? I don't understand.

I understood that we shall optimize each article (with h1 tag etc) for our MAIN keyphrase on that page, but naturally use several other related keyphrases, no?

I've used Keyword Tool (EXACT matches by the way, not phrase or broad!!!) AND TT to destill some 200 keyphrases (more or less buyer keywords) that have a "good" search volume AND get at least a "4" in TT (although almost everything seems to get a "4" in TT). Then I have (mostly) written NEW articles for my dog-site (yes, dog, sorry, it's a start!) and used as many RELATED keyphrases as naturally fit in there. Always making them <strong>keyphrase</strong>. - If my MAIN keyphrase has a related keyphrase, I've put ANOTHER h1 tag below the top headline.

Example - with exact-match search numbers behind each phrase to substantiate why I use it:
Article: <h1>German Shepherd Puppy Training</h1> 720
<h1>How to train a German Shepherd puppy</h1> 320

German Shepherd puppy training 720 should consider this breed's genetic nature: GSDs 720 originate as a german dog breed for herding and guarding sheep. In addition, training german shepherd puppies 390 should reflect the strength and loyalty of the german shepherd dog breed 260. In other respects, german shepherd puppies training 390 can be fairly similar to the dog training techniques 1000 of many other breeds. This article provides some specific german shepherd puppy training tips 140.

If you wish to get any deeper into it, but avoid paying for a puppy training school 260, then [a href="/go/puppy-and-dog-training-online/"]Puppy and Dog Training Online[/a] probably provides the best audio-visual GSD training 260 I could find anywhere!

<h2>How to Train German Shepherd Puppies</h2> 260

How to train a german shepherd puppy 320 should reflect its genetic preposition: You must consider the dog's intelligence, loyalty, strength, courage and protective nature when you plan to perform your own german shepherd puppy training 720 - or you will face problems.

Training a german shepherd puppy 210 should start as soon as you bring your puppy home, but only if the pups is old enough to be socialized with people and other dogs. If your puppy's behavior doesn't seem to provide sufficient indication, then 10 weeks is usually the age where you would expect that your pups is ready for GSD training 260, although it may be a bit earlier or later in some cases.

.... (and so on)

What do you think?

In particular,
- has anyone researched the benefit of using two h1 headlines at the top?
- should I use the subdivider sections with an h1 tag again instead of h2? So, in the middle there: <h1>How to Train German Shepherd Puppies</h1>?
- does it matter if we capitalize some words? I.e. does <strong>German Shepherd puppies training</strong> give the same weight as <strong>german shepherd puppies training</strong>?

By the way, for Google this is not "keyword stuffing" as I use each keyphrase scarcly. I only use many RELATED keyphrases that naturally fit in there too.

In effect, instead of 390 Exact-match searches for the main keyphrase alone, the entire article now gives me 2,400 Exact-match searches = potential visitors. - I've always been, and HAD to be, a "keyword guru" because I fail in off-site link-building! All my sites only get natural traffic.
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Hi I did check your site I think it is very good and I think that is a travis product from click bank the Magic of making up he is a great marketer and a steady at wealthy affiliate course . I think if you want to see a great article that made me think a lot more about on page seo it is at : It was shown to me by a professional marketer friend. It shows the ways to use the right keywords for your on site articles and where to get them .
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Pro at basic WP and keyword research willing to [email protected]
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For a first effort you've done a great job. Michelle has more than covered anything that I could suggest.

You have obviously checked each of your pages with TT and I note that on many of them your are getting A+ for your primary keyword and nothing less than C for your secondary keywords.

Michelle suggested you create a Welcome Page. I note that you like to use video; do you have a video editor? May I suggest that your Welcome Page be a video as you are so credible. If you don't have it already, an investment in Camtasia Studio would be a great investment. You can include the video from your video camera and with Studio you can edit it; for example remove the part where you adjust your camera. You can also create PowerPoint slides with bullet points and add these to your video. You can even add effects and some back-ground music. This can create a powerful Welcome Page for you.

A newsletter series will definitely help as the content you provide is more than enough to have people subscribe to your newsletter series. That way you are not reliant on your site alone to create an income. Check out Mark's site to get some ideas; while this was primarily built for Affilojetpack training, Mark did get this to rank fairly quickly. He has monetized the site like you have but his focus is on building a list as you can make more money email marketing than you can from your website.

All in all; great job. Should I ever have relationship problems I know where to go.

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John Albrett
Orinoco Limited
[email protected]

This topic was started on Feb 14, 2011 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.