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IP hits, Google indexing and Suitable time to publish query

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Joined: 14 Apr 07

IP hits, Google indexing and Suitable time to publish query

A few of quick questions...

I have been setting up a site and configuring, and reconfiguring a lot lately, and have noticed a couple of crawlers from Google accessing my page.

a)Does the fact that so many hits are coming from my IP negatively affect me in any way?

b)My site doesn't appear to be indexed by Google. I've had it online for a few months (albeit i haven't really started to make it useful in any way 'till now) and would like to know how long it takes? I Google's webmaster guidelines and it mentions submitting a request to be indexed. Do I just wait, or manually submit my site?

c) Should i even want my site seen until it's good to go??

Sorry if I've overlooked anything on Affilorama that pertains to these topics
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a) No don't worry about that.

b) For your site to be indexed by google, you need to get a link to it. Once google follows that link it will find your site and be indexed. But if your site has been getting crawled by googlebot, then you should be indexed already? If not, just check again soon.

c) It's fine for googlebot to see, maybe you don't want real people to see it yet :)
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If the googlebot has visted your site then chances are it is already indexed.

In my experience, once the googlbot visits it should take between 3 days to a week to see your pages appear in google.

I don't know if you already know this but if you want to see if you have pages indexed in google then type the following in the google search field..


Press enter and then your pages should show up in the results.

Now getting ranked is another story.

Hope this helps.

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Yeah, I've been seraching for my domain name directly in google for months,
but i just started noticing the googlebot a few days ago. I also noticed a few hits referred from and technocrati. I installed a blog and that's when i started geting hits...
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Yes, blogs will do it every time if you set them up right.

Wordpress seems the easiest way because once its setup you really don't need to do anything special with them. If you have a sitemap add it to the sidebar of the wordpress blog so when the googlebot visits it will spider the links on the sidebar and follow them through to your web pages.

Blogger blogs require a little change in the settings to be effective.

Linking via a high PR page works the best IMHO. You just need to get the high PR page, but that's easy enough too.

Combine all three and you'll be indexed really fast.

Hope this helps,

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Any idea why the homepage of my site, only, is indexed by Google? What should I do to get my article pages indexed, too?

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ileanaro wrote:Any idea why the homepage of my site, only, is indexed by Google? What should I do to get my article pages indexed, too?


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It took me almost 3 weeks to get my site indexed. I read this article and submitted a sitemap to google and I got indexed for all my pages within days. ... emaps.html

It was also nice to see that my pages were on the first page of google for some of the most competitive keywords :D. Number 1 spot on 2 keywords. The SEO videos kick ass ;)
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Yeah, as of yesterday, I'm indexed by Google...
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I submitted a ror.xml sitemap to Google and now... I'm being patient :)
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