10 May 07 10:17 pm
The instant corners software produces an HTML page and a bunch of images that make the rounded corners. The HTML page contains a table which aligns all the images into the rounded box, and gives you a space to write your content.
In order to get the round-cornered box onto your site you need to open up the HTML page produced by Instant Corners, then copy and paste the box into your existing web page. It's probably best to do this in code view if you're using a WYSIWYG editor... it's all the stuff within the <table> tags.
I don't see how it could have wiped your existing page, unless you saved the file over top of your existing HTML file. Instant Corners by default saves the page it produces as "Table.html" ... did you rename this file? Was your old page called "table.html"? I'm not sure what could have happened.
Here's some stuff from a previous post on the subject:
To get the round-cornered box into your site, you need to view the page source of the round-corners HTML page, copy the part that creates the round box (the <table> tags and everything inside) and then paste that into Dreamweaver using the code view (as opposed to the preview view)
Actually, I've just taken a look at the HTML the software produces, and it seems to be producing boxes with gaps in them when I view the pages in Firefox. (IE looks fine... go figure.)
I've tweaked the code so it renders fine in Firefox. Try pasting this into your table code instead:
The stuff inside the <!-- --> things are comments, and they tell you what to do. As with the HTML produced by the round-corners software, this code assumes that the images are kept in the same folder as the HTML itself. If you've put your images inside a special images folder, you'll need to change the file path inside the <img> tags. (ie. <img src="../images/corner3.jpg" width="25" height="25"> )
If you're using the "large" round corners option, every time it says "25" up there, change it to "41".
All that looks pretty intimidating, but give it a go and let us know how you get on.
Hope that helps,