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Images not showing - help please!

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Images not showing - help please!

Hi all again, sorry one of those nights,
i've been reading forum about images, i have uploaded a simple webpage tonight....problem - i made it in dreamweaver, i have several images on it and a few of them i have added links to. when i check it in dreamweaver with F12, everything works ok, but when i uploaded site they don't show,
having read the posts.. what do i do to get them to show on website ??
is there something quick i can do or have i got to delete them and load them all in d/wer again, that brings me to the question, when i loaded into d/wer a pop up box came up, should i have filled this in with anything ?
when i check code in d/wer it says
<td width="193"><div align="center"><img src="../My Pictures/affiliate marketing photos/german castle.jpg" width="193" height="258" /></div></td>
if i have it wrong how do i upload image to website ??

I'm sorry for causing probs but this is my first time

Many thanks

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Have you uploaded the images?
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i'm being thick, i dont think i have, i have them in a folder on hard drive, how do i upload please ?
it's just taken me all night to upload the webpage, at least its a start, text showing ok
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You may upload them the same way you uploaded your webpage... in your website folder you should have an images folder... upload that and make sure your page points to the proper picture.
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in the folder where you uploaded your pages create a folder called "images". Put all your images in this folder.

then in the code where it says <img src="../My Pictures/affiliate marketing photos/german castle.jpg" width="193" height="258" />

replace that with <img src="images/german castle.jpg" width="193" height="258">

This is how the code works. images/german castle.jpg means the page will look for the folder called images then look for a .jpg called german castle.

if you had your german castle.jpg in the same folder as your page it would just be <img src="german castle.jpg" width=blah blah". Meaning it wouldnt go into any folders and will look for german castle.jpg.

if you had <img src="images/castles/german castles.jpg"> it would go into folder images then into folder castles then look for a .jpg called german castles.

Hopefully that makes sense and you wont have anymore problems with getting your pictures to work.

(just a note, you should make all your folders, pages, and pictures one word or separate the words with a _ like german_castle.jpg)
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Hi Don,

We did an article called "web design concepts 101" or something to that effect in the March Affilorama Update magazine PDF... it might be worth taking a look at. I can almost guarantee that your images aren't showing because:

a) You haven't uploaded the images to your web server, or
b) The path to the images is actually pointing to the directory on your computer, and because this doesn't match the path on your web server (I'm pretty sure you won't have a "my pictures" folder) they don't show up.

Take a look at the "ask a geek" section of the March update PDF. Particularly where it talks about referencing other files. Stevenar has given you part of the story already, but there are different ways of doing things depending on what folder you're currently working in. Give us a yell if it doesn't make any sense.

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another thing that may help is to keep your local file structure( the way you have your website files organized on your computer at home) the same as the structure on your website. Seeing as you have"/my pictures" as the image directory, are you editing an html file in your My Documents folder? You should put all the website files in a separate folder and keep them together. So you would have a website folder, with all your files and stuff, and a folder named 'images' within that folder.

This way your code says<img src="../images/german_castle.jpg">and the html file will look for the images folder, which you have at home, and on your website, which should have the exact same pictures in them.

it will work when you test the files on your computer, and when you upload them to your server, you shouldn't have to change anything. Just make sure you upload all your images.
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yes good advice by tcampbell.. can't believe none of us told him that lol.

Its pretty important.
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Mark , can u give a link to the article about web design 101, as i cat find it.
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It's in the March Affilorama Update magazine.

You guys really have to start reading those things :)

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Limited time special - Pathway to Passive for $37:
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In Dreamweaver when you started, you would have been asked to name the site. This creates the site folder.

Then you are asked to create the folder for images. You should create this images folder inside the site folder.

When ever you add an image to your page in Dreamweaver, it will prompt you if the image file is not in your site folder and ask you if you want to save it there - select yesor Ok and all your images will be added to that images folder.

So you have your site folder and inside it is the HTML files for every page in your site and an Image folder with all your pictures - "one folder to rule them all and bind them".

To upload your site, simply upload the site folder into the public.html folder in your web hosts directory of your domain.
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Just like Mimenta said! Except some hosts may not use public_html/ ... I know mine doesn't require it. They must just require a trailing slash and the rest is done server side. Let us know how you do.
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