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Image Alignment Issues

Posts: 20
Joined: 01 Apr 07

Image Alignment Issues

I have just uploaded a few pages of my new website and the images are out of alignment. Not sure what I have down wrong as I have uploaded pages before and the images have been fine. I am using front page to design the site. Any ideas would be very mucha appreciated!!!

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Posts: 1083
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Hard to say without looking at.... where is the image and where do you want it to be?
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Posts: 20
Joined: 01 Apr 07
If you have a minute to look at the site it is The problem is that on my computer the image is in the correct place etc, it is when I uploaded it that all the images have moved to the left, covering much of the writting.
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Posts: 1083
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The images that are not showing have this kind of url.


the ones that are showing are just...


You need to edit it so your page can point to the file.

Personally.... I would make an images folder and put your images in there so the url to the images would be images/imagegoeshere.gif etc...

The reason your images are WAY out of line is because you use absolute positioning which is not recommended since this is a great example of why not to.... at least not for this... I would recommend just using a regular table and inserting the images that way....

One last note.... rename your images without any spaces in the file name.

Hope this helps!
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Posts: 63
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Can you give me your email? I coded your website from scratch and i want to send it to you. Your old code was a big mess and it gave me a headache :(.

1.) When you get the index file im sending you, copy and paste the content of your old site to the site i made you. It didnt copy and paste right for me cuz your picture was in the way. Also change the title.

*You will also need to change the font sizes and one of the table background colors to how it was before, it would of taken to much time to get every detail correct so i didnt worry about it. I just made sure your layout was right.

2.) In the folder you save your webpages, create a folder called "images"

3.)put all your images inside that folder (i already setup your site so it will extract the images from this folder)

4.) Rename the images:
"baby sling (Small).JPG" to "babysling.jpg"
"photo hand (Small).jpg" to "photohand.jpg"

5.) upload the index file to your webhost

Thats all.
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Posts: 69
Joined: 17 Mar 07
Hi Zoe,

Heres one for you; I've worked a LOT with Frontpage in the past, and especially inserting and aligning images can give you a big headache. I used to place them somewhere, and in the preview they were placed centimeters off. Things that worked to solve this problem; delete the image, save the file, then insert it again, and save the file.

Regards, Rudolf
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This account is managed by two persons; Maarten and Rudolf. You may find either of us posting individually with this account.
Posts: 63
Joined: 18 Apr 07
Hey Zoe, I noticed you didn't apply the code I made you to the rest of your pages. Also you didnt change the color or your table from black to the blue color.

If you're confused about how to do it let me know and I'll help you.
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Posts: 20
Joined: 01 Apr 07
Thanks for all your ideas and help. I seem to be on track now.

Steve, I am working on the other pages, just copying and pasting each page (it is just taking a bit of time). I was able to change the colours in part of the table but not all of it.

It has been great to get everybodies help on this, so thanks!!!!!
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