16 Jun 07 4:47 am
Hang in there Akius,
I understand completely where your heads at, alot of this stuff can be completely overwhelming when you first start :shock:
Adrians post is excellent, do what he says...here is a break down of the steps again
The 7 step Success formula
:arrow: 1. Buy Domain
:arrow: 2. Design Basic webpage (don't get to fussy...yet)
:arrow: 3. Upload with hosting
:arrow: 4. Get a critique from Affilorama forum with coaching tips (Learn From Others)
:arrow: 5. Study more Affilorama lessons (Only Whats needed At The Time)
:arrow: 6. Adjust site i.e. website layout, affiliates, design, content, SEO, Links etc for another Critique from Affilorama members
:arrow: 7. Repeat process from 4. to 7. until success $$$
:idea: When I first started in Internet marketing I suffered from
"Paralysis By Analysis" meaning I studied so many different strategies and tips that I was totally lost as to where to start, The key is to begin anyway...make mistakes or better yet learn from others mistakes, adjust what you need to do, keeping moving repeat process.
Keep the bigger picture in mind of your goals and dreams to keep you motivated i.e. Family, Holiday, Car, Freedom, Debt Free etc..what ever best works for you!
" When the reason WHY is strong enough the HOW is easy"
Here are some other motivational Quotes for you
" How do you eat an elephant? one bite at a time." Anon
" A journey of 1000 miles begins with 1 step" Confucious
"Just Do It" Nike
Looking forward to your Success
Matt 8)