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I just bought a bad domain name. Can I still use it?

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I just bought a bad domain name. Can I still use it?

Very excited to get going Newbie learned very quickly whom not to trust. I exhausted my very limited budget on the advice to buy my domain name before choosing which product to be an affiliate for. Now I have a domain name, paid for a year in advance and no idea how to promote a product or service with it.

Could, would, will someone give me some guidance as to the steps necessary in selecting a money maker (if any) for a Wordpress site ... ?


Stephen Anderson

[email protected]
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Make that into your personal blog from which you could link to your money maker sites. You could also insert affiliate links and/or banners here and there depending on the posts that you publish.
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Thank you for your reply faradina, I truly appreciate it.
Now I have to show you just how much of a Newbie I am. I have not yet uploaded my domain to the Internet because I didn't know how to start promoting a product (for example) "Make $500 a Week Online" or "Lose 10 Pounds in 10 Days" with a domain name such as I have. Consequently, I don't understand what you are trying to tell me.
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well, check out the tutorials here. first you need to choose a niche market. preferably something you are passionate about, and have some experience with personally to start with. this can be anything from dog training to dating advice or your favorite video games, then head over to Clickbank marketplace to see if there are any products in that niche that you can promote.

If you are a total newbie, then I recommend starting out by watching the videos Mark has provided here. evrything you need to get started you can find.
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hey Stephen,
Faradina and James make some good points, the other thing I would suggest is to be patient, take it slow and one step at a time.
The thing is that you will actually make more money at a faster rate if you follow the program that Mark has laid out in the training.
It might take longer to get you website up, but the long term returns will be much better.
and Good luck
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Hi growler,

Thank you for the post, it lets me know real help is out there that isn't trying to fleece me for $$$ with bogus help.

You are right, of course about the suggestions from Faradina and James. I took the time to check out the links and read more of Mark's material (plus I have cooled down a lot), so I will make it work.

I can tell you the first thing I have noticed in this forum - a whole lot of genuine, unselfish help without big, pompous egos attached!
I am going to love it here.
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Thanks Spander. One thing that i learned from mark is that by helping people for real, you can get better results. Granted, I am in business to make money, but by providing a lot of value for free, I make more money.

i do highly recommend that you follow the free training here. it got me started. of course, I also regularly recommend Marks paid products. the free training is great, but his paid training goes into even more detail, and gives you a more step by step aproach to help you put it all together into an action plan. however, the free training will help get you started, and some people can take that and make it work without the action plan. if you are good at developing your own plan once you know the basics, then go for it.
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Hi James, I submitted a post reply to your first e-mail to me - I don't know why it doesn't show on this page. Anyway, I was a straight commission salesman for over 25 years. If I didn't sell something there was no money-period. So, I know I need some free stuff to get going...some. I also know the real good stuff costs money, and now I'm learning where the quality free stuff is so I know where I'm going back just as soon as there is a little extra $$.
One last thing - Maybe someone else has mentioned this...or not...but from these 65 year old eyes that little bitty picture of you looks a lot like "Ice-T" on Law and Order, SVU. (He probably doesn't need a second job, though).
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umm. not me, Im a little too white to be Ice T, ( love SVU btw.) of course, my bro will get a laugh out of you calling me that...

My first online sales came from using marks free training. I took that money and baught AffiloBlueprint, and have never looked back.
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Do you want to use your online content to Educate others, inspire them to action, and run a profitable business for yourself and your family? I can help you get started
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Hey James,
No offense intended at all, but it is just how your picture shows up on my 11 year old monitor.

I am in the middle of "re-watching" (really paying attention this time) some of the webinars Mark and Matt Carter did for one - another, plus the individual videos. Now when the next S.S. check hits it will be "On-Line Time."
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great. no offence was taken. :)

keep watching those webinars. I have found that the more i learn, the more those webinars help me. been at this for over a year now, running several successful affiliate sites, and a few services, and I still learn something every time i listen to those webinars. As my knowledge and understanding increases, I see things they say in a new light, so keep listening to them.

I will even go back though all the training videos from time to time just to see if i understand something better than I did way back when i went through them before.
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Do you want to use your online content to Educate others, inspire them to action, and run a profitable business for yourself and your family? I can help you get started

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