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How to protect Affiliate Links from Web Designer?

Posts: 7
Joined: 02 Mar 07

How to protect Affiliate Links from Web Designer?

Hello Mark, Greg and Adrian

I am getting someone to help me with the web design and creation.
Understand that we need link cloaker to hide our links.
How do you protect the links totally if you are hiring someone to do the web pages for you?
This has been my worry recently. Please Help!

Can I create a word document containing affiliate links before passing to this person? What will be the best software for that. I use a mac.

Please reply me earliest possible. Thank you so much!

Best regards
Ai Li
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Posts: 1083
Joined: 17 Jun 06
Hi Ai Li,

The proper way to do this without worry is simple.

Create a folder on your site.
Save a page called index.php in it.

The only code you put on that page is this.

<?php $URL="";

header ("Location: $URL");


Change the URL to your affiliate link.

So for example....

Your create a folder on your site called food

You would then have your clickable text link to "" and that would hide your affiliate code.
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Last edited by sydney on 03 Jun 10 4:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: sample link

Site Admin
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Joined: 13 Jun 06
Hi Ai Li,

I'm not sure why you're worried about your web designer seeing your affiliate links. The reason to cloak your affiliate links is so that people clicking on your affiliate links don't immediately notice that it IS an affiliate link, and think "oh, maybe I could sign up to this affiliate program, create my own affiliate link and by purchasing through my own affiliate link I'll essentially receive a discount".

When they do this, it means you don't get the commission you deserve. This can be a problem in certain markets, where people understand how affiliate commissions work. Most people don't have a clue, so it's not something to be VERY worried about.

The only other reason to cloak a link is so that it looks more professional when people click on it. Again, nothing to be VERY worried about at this point.

There is absolutely no reason to be nervous about your web designer seeing affiliate links. Just make sure that your web designer knows that you're using affiliate links to go to certain sites... in this case it's a good idea to provide your designer with a list of your affiliate links and the sites they correspond to. If you're worried that your web designer might insert his/her own affiliate links into your site, it's very easy to check after the site has been made. And it's very unlikely to happen!

I hope that helps,
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Hello Mark

That's really helpful and insightful!
It really put my mind at ease.
Thank you!

Have a fantastic day!

Best regards
Ai Li
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