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How to improve website?

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How to improve website?


I have 3 websites that are generating between 50-100 visitors per day, but not much sales.

They are just basic websites that are taught through Affilorama.

What would be the best way to help improve methods to generate more income from these sites and improve on the traffic.

In terms of the sales methods, changing layouts ect ect.

I am a bit stumped as to what else I could be doing, and would happily pay someone (outsource this), to tweak the sites if that was an option.

Could anyone suggest somewhere I could go, maybe Odesk, but what types of people would know what I am looking for.

Or point me in the right direction on Affilorama that will help me hone in my skills to increase sales, and traffic.

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So one thing you could do is instead of thinking about getting traffic then hopefully clicks to aff. offers, repeat, you could shift over to building a long term business, so you would get traffic, turn them into subscribers, provide value, build a relationship, and so when you give out an aff. link to them through an e-mail or new blog post, it doesn't really come off as being a sales pitch but just another tool or piece of advice that could benefit them. So now with this asset (subscribers list) you can make sales ongoing rather then have folks leave forever after clicking aff. links etc.

You should look into e-mail marketing and start building your list.

As far as changing layouts and stuff, this is called conversion optimization and it's based on human psychology, when a visitor lands on a page, what are they thinking and how can we direct them to take a particular action.

Try: > (
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Hi agree with Andrew on building your own list of subscribers. Focus on that alone and perhaps try to 'monetize' your site by improving the following:

*your keywords selection (should be geared towards attracting buyers and converting traffic to sales)
*on-page optimization (try to look for on page SEO checklist and check if you have those on your site pages)
*design a marketing campaign that would attract direct visits
*do split-tests and experiment with different layouts and designs
*improve your content

I hope that helps!

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"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Sidhhartha Guatama
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funkyfresh wrote:Hi,

I have 3 websites that are generating between 50-100 visitors per day, but not much sales.

They are just basic websites that are taught through Affilorama.

What would be the best way to help improve methods to generate more income from these sites and improve on the traffic.

In terms of the sales methods, changing layouts ect ect.

I am a bit stumped as to what else I could be doing, and would happily pay someone (outsource this), to tweak the sites if that was an option.

Could anyone suggest somewhere I could go, maybe Odesk, but what types of people would know what I am looking for.

Or point me in the right direction on Affilorama that will help me hone in my skills to increase sales, and traffic.


Become an expert in 4 or 5 fields you love or have a problem to solve in your personal life, that you would do it even for free.

Then build one site at a time if you have from scratch or using affilotheme or any other website builder.


Affilorama can help you with everything else except this "knowing what contents your customers find it as very precious or valuable" Look into Copywriting, creating your webinars, selling yourself as the world's best expert ( even though you are not :) ) and then building your list, That's it.

Read lots and lots of books around these topics and apply them daily of what works and what does not through trail and error, OR copying the PRO'S who are already in your field, LEARN TO PIGGYBACK FROM YOUR PRO'S IN YOUR FIELD.

ave fun :)
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I belief he's talking about Websites that are just "meant to Sell".

As example, i am hosting a Gaming Webpage which is only meant to sell a product once to a customer, accepting the fact that he will never come back again... It still has a 5 part newsletter, but it's not meant to build a "relationship".

Yes it works, theres nothing bad about it. But it need's a good amount of traffic in order to work great.

I suggest to focus on building links and drive more traffic.

It's also really important to understand where your "potential customers / targeted traffic" comes from, understanding their "pain / problem", optimizing your content, giving them great snippets of content and catch them with a "catchy call to action link" related what they are looking for...

And yes, i agree to everything that's posted above. A long-term business will always be much more profitable, while a "Hard-Sales Website" can also give you a great amount of additional money without building up a relationship.

That's why you want to build up some trust with your Content, Page Layout, etc.
Don't make it just look like another spammy Website, take your time for banner creation, layout and your fine :).
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You got a Few Number Of Clicks and that was not of interested kind . Target only Qualified Audiences .
More Important is Your website creativity like will be goal orient-ally designed with better layout , easy navigation Services pages etc ..
Hiring a Professional in field of web marketing that works to analyse your website , decides what type of audience to target , and how to engage them , i.e directly relates to increase Website Conversion Rate .
Outsourcing for marketing services is good option . Obviously you should Look for professionals and Judge them from their portfolio work .
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Here are some of the ways that you can do to generate specifically targeted online visitors in under a month.
Target easy to rank long-tail keywords through blog posts
Targeting 3 -5 keywords for each page on your site
Dofollow blog commenting
Guest blog posting
Forum participation
Article submission and converting your articles
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Peoples Innovation is a leading web designing and software development company in mumbai, also providing offshore staffing solution at very low cost..
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Hi funkyfresh,

I think you need to revisit your target keyword list and see if you are ranking for your keywords that have high buyer intention. Also, look at the traffic your site is getting. How much of that is made up of your target market? Go over your pages that are ranking or are most visited and check the content? Do they reach out to the user and convince them to purchase the product?

Mary published a blog post recently about traffic and conversion:
Make Traffic Count - How To Convert Traffic Into Sales

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Keywords matter the most when it comes to ranking high on search engines. Primary keywords are those that get used the most by the visitors.
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mark schaaf
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One thing I hear all the time is coming up with good copy writing not just writing the articles but coming with the part where you are trying to get the person to either click or buy something. Everyone is always giving us steps on what to do. Do this, then do that followed by telling us what to do but not exactly how to do it.

When this happens we all have to find out how to do things ourselves and even that is difficult. I found a couple sites on how to write copy but they don't tell you anything. What we all need is a site that tells us how to write copy and give us some examples of what good copy looks like so we can say oh I see what you mean. Those that are just telling us to do something without telling us how is a waste of time.
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Another thing that can have a dramatic impact is the look of your site.

I remember when my brother James was first starting out, he had a relationship site that he was getting traffic to, but it had a very high bounce rate. I took one look at is site and saw right away that the problem was this hideous, overpowering red background that was scaring away his potential readers before they even read a word. Once he changed the background color, he immediately saw an increase in the time on page that led to conversion.

When it comes to site colors, there are a number of colors that, when used sparingly for contrast are effective, but when used in wide spaces are so glaring they would make the page nearly unreadable. These include the brighter shades of green , red, yellow, and cyan. Often, just using a darker version of the colors work very well. Even the brighter shades, used sparingly for emphasis or contrast, can work.

Another point to keep in mind is contrast for readability. Yellow text on a white or even a reddish background doesn't show very well, but yellow against a sea of blue or black does very well.

If you have any questions about this, let me know!
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start with a little SEO and a link building strategy. Afterwards target blog posts and PPC campaigns. Once you have had a little traffic for yourself, have some ad networks back you up financially. After you have figured out the right strategy that benefits you, be aggresive on that, and it should take care of most of your concerns.
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This topic was started on Feb 17, 2013 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
