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How to create an e-mail on my website?

Posts: 8
Joined: 07 Jan 07

How to create an e-mail on my website?


How do I create an e-mail address on my website, like [email protected]? How can I set it to use it in my Outlook? I see in the cPanel an icon for Mail and another for Webmail. Which one should I use? I'm using Hostgator.

The Mail icon is the Mail Manager Main Menu and has several options, and in the Webmail icon I see 3 options: Horde, SquirrelMail and RoundCube.

I really have no clue what I need to do or how to do it...

Thank you,

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Posts: 1004
Joined: 16 Jun 06
In cpanel, go to mail, then Add/Edit/Something Accounts

From there it should be pretty simple. Once you're done you can click an image to have it automatically configure it for outlook.

When I've done this, I've had to set one of the ports from 25 to 26, from within outlook express, so if you can receive but can't send emails, try that.
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Joined: 17 Jun 06
Hi Slavenska,

There should be an option when you create the email account to automatically configure it for you in Outlook Express or whatever you use. You might have to download a file then double click it to install. Should be that simple :)
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Posts: 8
Joined: 07 Jan 07
You were right.. it was very easy.

Thanks a lot!!!! :P

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