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How to Convert Outlook PST File to Excel in Easy Steps

Posts: 71
Joined: 27 Aug 24

How to Convert Outlook PST File to Excel in Easy Steps

To convert an Outlook PST file to Excel, the manual method involves exporting your PST file data to a CSV format via Outlook. You can do this by opening Outlook, going to "File" > "Open & Export" > "Import/Export," then selecting "Export to a file" and choosing "Microsoft Excel" or "CSV" as the file type.

Alternatively, using the BLR PST file converter tool simplifies the process. It directly converts PST files to Excel without the need for intermediate steps. The software ensures accurate conversion, maintaining all your data, such as emails, contacts, and calendars, in a well-organized Excel spreadsheet.
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Posts: 91
Joined: 30 May 24
The quick way to convert PST files to Excel without Outlook is by utilizing the CubexSoft PST Converter Tool. The software is programmed with 15+ saving options and CSV is one of them. After loading the required .pst files/folder, select CSV from Select Saving options, set the sub-options, and perform the conversion right away. The tool is simple, effective, and reliable. It is built with many features with the help of users can convert PST files according to their requirements. Anyone can use PST Converter for Mac & Windows free demo and convert 25 PST files to CSV for free.
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