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how to add a sharing widget to an old xsite pro template?

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how to add a sharing widget to an old xsite pro template?

Hi, I'm a newbie in the process of completing my site. I want to know how i can add a new sharing widget to my pages? I want to add a dynamic looking one such as the popular 'sharing is caring' widget. can somebody help me with the code? or direct me to place where i can get it for free( tight budget:( )

Thanks heaps
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To place this on an X-Site Pro program you need to enter the code through the "source code section."

<span class='st_twitter_large' ></span><span class='st_facebook_large' ></span><span class='st_yahoo_large' ></span><span class='st_gbuzz_large' ></span><span class='st_email_large' ></span><span class='st_sharethis_large' ></span>


This is your button code, it generates the buttons that you see on your page. Place it wherever you want them to appear. TWITTER, FACEBOOK, YAHOO, GOOGLE BUZZ, EMAIL, and SHARE THIS.

This is your ShareThis script tag, without it the buttons don't work. You can put it anywhere on your page. I recommend putting it in your header (between your <head> and </head> tags)

<script type="text/javascript">var switchTo5x=true;</script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript">stLight.options({publisher:'c99f3f25-89bd-4a0a-87fa-d15d3f57384e'});</script>

If you desire to eliminate any one of the buttons just eliminate that part of the code.

It is super easy to switch out your services. You just have to change one line of code. For example if you change <span class="st_email"> to <span class="st_digg"> then you just changed your email button to a Digg button! If you wanted to get CRAZY you could have added _vcount to the end and made it <span class="st_digg_vcount"> and had a Digg counter button.

I hope this helps!

Margene Smith
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Thanks Margene

I added it at first and it worked, but then i wanted to add it to another page and now it's not working on any of the pages. All i see now is little yellow boxes which say "<javascript>" would you know why this is happening? :(
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Is this a blog or static pages?

I need to be able to simulate what you might have done.

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They are static pages. I'm using the old version of xsitepro (2.2ish).
They just worked once but they were sticking to the end of the text in the body with no proper alignment. just like a part of the last paragraph..

ie. I want them to be aligned horizontally just above the footer of each and every page.( or Is there a way to do it on all pages by inserting a javascript under Other>Global Scripts?)


Since you mentioned that i need to insert the script tags between headers,In xsite pro they are "<h1>" "</h1>" right? is that where i should insert the script tag?

and also

I tried inserting breaks <br> in html after the last bit of text in the body and then inserting the codes you gave me, it didnt work either.

(I'm sorry, I know next to nothing about html or java. hope u understand.)

I hope you get the picture of the mess I've made here :)
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You do not want it between the H1 tags. I understand your problems. I have learnt HTML the hard way by making mistakes then spending hours possibly days hunting for the answer.

Place the second script after both of the H1 tags at the top of page.

Place the first code where you want the buttons to show up. I placed them on one of my websites at the top of the page. It is working.

This has to be done on each page individually.

Here is the top code I have on a page I am currently building.

<h3><font color="red">[SOCIALNETWORKLINK0000000014]</font></h3>

<p align="center"><span class='st_twitter_large' ></span><span class='st_facebook_large' ></span><span class='st_yahoo_large' ></span><span class='st_gbuzz_large' ></span><span class='st_email_large' ></span><span class='st_sharethis_large' ></span>

<h1><font color="red">Pro Flight Simulator REVIEW</font></h1>

<script type="text/javascript">var switchTo5x=true;</script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript">stLight.options({publisher:'c99f3f25-89bd-4a0a-87fa-d15d3f57384e'});</script>

<span style="FONT-SIZE: 9pt">As you would probably guess, the entire staff of Flight Simulator Action are flight
simulator game enthusiasts who love testing and playing flight sim games. There are quite a few flight sim games
available both commercially as well as free share. The major difference between the free share flight sim games and
Pro Flight Simulator is Pro Flight Simulator is easy to launch new game play. Here at Flight Simulator Action we
use several different operating systems to check out the flight simulator games. Pro Flight Simulator was able to
work well on every operating system we tried. However, the competing systems did not always work or operate
consistently.<a href="[*REDIRECT_31*]"><img style="WIDTH: 250px; HEIGHT: 250px"

Ignore my top code line. I am using another set of buttons which are created by X-Site Pro 2.5.

I will leave it stand on this website for a few hours so that you can check it out.

Check out:

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Last edited by newstart on 01 Oct 11 10:47 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Upon rereading your post I found I missed a factor you had stated. To center the buttons you need to add the following code: <p align="center">

That code added to the beginning of the first code section will place the button in the center horizontally.

After experimenting have discovered the system works better with only three buttons instead of all five.

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Thanks Margene,
I tried it out, it still isn't working :( I'm experiencing the same problem as before : little yellow boxes that say "javascript".

Probably got something to do with some sort of settings i guess. Or a glitch in the version that I'm using, because it worked fine at first.
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Let us try the best source to fix this problem. The developers of X-Site Pro is: There is a forum available that should be able to determine the problem.

Another possibility is to Google for a code. By Googling "sharing icon code" the search result produces multiple options. Check to see if any of these will work for you.

I hope this leads you to a successful out come.

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There have been some problems with XSite PRo's visual editor breaking some Javascript codes when you view your site. once you insert the code, publish the site without previewing the visual editor first, and see if it shows up. I know its a pain to reinsert the code every time you add new content, but this is something they said through the forums. it has happened to a lot of people trying to add the new Google + buttons to their sites.
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Thanks for your help guys
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This topic was started on Sep 30, 2011 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
