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How to add a "like " button to a blogpost

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Joined: 26 Nov 09

How to add a "like " button to a blogpost


I have just put up my first affiliate site and would like to know how to add a FB "like " button to my posts.

Can anyone help ... I am a newbie who needs precise instructions.

Thanks a lot

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Assuming this is a WordPress blog all you need to do is go to the widgets activating one that state Facebook "LIKE". There is a good possibility that your existing widgets do NOT have one that states it is a
Facebook widget.

In this case you need to go up to the PLUG-IN section Add New button. You will then be sent to a WP search page. Establish a search for a Facebook Plug-in. There will be several options available. Locate the widget that appeals to you the most. There may be a button that states upload/activate. By pressing that button the widget will upload to your website along with being activated. Some widgets only have a button the specifies "UPLOAD". In this case you upload the desired widget waiting to activate it after uploading.

In the "widget" section of your WordPress blog should be the widget you just uploaded. In some instances the widget remains in a section titled "recently uploaded" plug-ins. In the latter case you will need to press the button that activates the widget. This should automatically move the widget to the widget page.

To set the widget up you either slide and drop the widget in your side menu section or there will be a check list available with check boxes allowing you to specify where you want it placed. Also if there are optional items for customization of the FB button you will find it here.

I hope I have made this understandable.

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You can also create a customized like button here: ... gins/like/
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Thanks so much ... really kind of you both to give me this information - much appreciated

Haven't tried it yet , but will do so today

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Hi Chantelle,

Margene has given you some good pointers on how to add the Like button to your Wordpress site (I assume as well that is what you are using). Please let us know how it turns out and do not hesitate to ask questions. We're more than happy to help. :)

Have a good day!
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Building affiliate marketing websites is a breeze:
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I use the Simple Facebook Connect Plugin. It adds a ton of functions including allowing people to comment via FB comments if you want, one click posting of new posts to your personal wall or fan page, like button, share button, and a variety of other options. it is basically an all in one solution for connecting your blog to Facebook, and integrating it all.
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James, do you have to validate your Facebook in order to use that plugin?
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it works by setting up an application that links to your fan page/profile. you have to validate stuff through the process, but they have step by step instructions that guide you through the process.
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Do you want to use your online content to Educate others, inspire them to action, and run a profitable business for yourself and your family? I can help you get started
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esolutions wrote:Hi,

You can also create a customized like button here: ... gins/like/

I believe this is the easiest way to add the Like button.

You can also try some applications which are free online and have more social site's buttons. :)
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This topic was started on Nov 01, 2011 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
