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How do you insert widgets WP? What are the Best Plugins?

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How do you insert widgets WP? What are the Best Plugins?

Hello All,

How do I add widgets to Affilotheme sidebar?

What are the best plugins for WP to add as well? Do all plugins work with Affilotheme?

Mark said there was information in the forums area but have not been able to find a list yet.

Struggling, inserting widgets into the sidebar of the Affilotheme. I have uploaded an Aweber contact form that works correct using java script.
I would like to add other widgets into the side bar.

I just tried to adding a meta widget so the login information was on my home page it does not show up in the sidebar
If I need to add custom scripts in the box at the bottom of sidebar options tab where do I get the widget scripts.

My goal is to have the home page setup with content and drive prospects to the squeeze page.
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They only have 2 on the list. it is on the main members page. they are trying to get all the other stuff online right now. you dont really need the login widget for the type of sites you are running here. that leaves a door open for hackers to get into your site.

you can watch this youtube video of some of my recommended plugins. i am using almost all of them with the affilotheme with no problems so far.
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Thank You The meta login on my main page I agree after you comment about hackers. I did add plugins after watching your video and now am installing them to see how they all work. Some of those just by the name make sense for ease of use for certain tasks. This is great.
Thank you again for the help and infromation
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those are the basic plugins i use on every site. there are others that I use for different functions, but it depends on the site as to what I use.
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What stats plugin do you use with Wordpress 3? It doesn't look like WP stats and statcounter are compatable with WP3 yet.
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Posts: 2
Joined: 30 Jul 10
What stats plugin do you use with Wordpress 3? It doesn't look like WP stats and statcounter are compatable with WP3 yet.
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Posts: 3918
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I use Google analytics, and use the all in one webmaster plugin to insert the code, as well as the code for google webmaster tools.
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This topic was started on Jul 31, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.