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How do you get a professional website built for you?

Posts: 361
Joined: 10 May 11

How do you get a professional website built for you?

How would you go about getting a website professionally built? This is something I wouldn't be able to do myself using a wordpress theme. Essentially I have this idea of creating like a random video chat site like omegle. But I want to make it way better than the ones I've seen out there with a lot more features and options. And it would be more than just a random video chat site it would be targeted to a certain niche and have other ways of connecting with people on there as well. And that's all I want to say about it. I know exactly what I want. But how and where do you go to find someone that can build what you want? And how do you make sure they are qualified, and don't steal your idea? Would you have to get them to sign a contract first so they don't steal your idea? And how much does it cost to get such a website built? Would it be a one time payment or something you have to pay for over and over again? And wouldn't you have to choose someone that can also keep the site updated and free from bugs?
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Posts: 336
Joined: 16 Nov 21
To build a professional website, you should consult expert developers!
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We have a team of experienced developers and operators.
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Posts: 361
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Where do you find and learn more about how to work with expert developers? Would you search for some in the town you live in? If so what would you search "website developers"?
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Posts: 52
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You can find a web developer on one of the freelancing platforms, such as Toptal, Upwork, or Fiverr. As for the qualifications, you should be able to see their diplomas/certificates and the previous projects they completed. The usual practice in my experience is signing a contract in which you will specify the details, such as payment and possibly future updates. The price, of course, will depend on many factors and this is something you'll have to discuss with the person you want to hire for this project. Good luck!
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Posts: 336
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Do you find professional website developers or not?
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Buy Sneakers & Streetwear Online @ Sole Seriouss
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Best way to be developer or at least find out way to consult .
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The best way to build a professional website is to hire the best web design company in Dubai, as they are experts in creating websites which is not only mobile responsive but run on different platforms as well. DigitalsetGo is the leading Digital Marketing agency in Dubai that offers social media marketing, e-commerce website design, web development services, and many more at a very reasonable cost. They not only give you services but also guide you about which sort of website will generate more leads and also create impressive logos for your business that will remain on consumers’ minds for a longer period of time. Thus, they give you all-around services. You can get in touch with them by visiting their website.
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Posts: 82
Joined: 03 Mar 22
If you're not good at website design, have someone do it for you. You can hire a freelancer at Fiverr or Freelancer to have it done for under $100.
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Free Book - How To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing
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To build a website you need an expert web developer to develop your site. If you know any then try to reach out to them or hire someone from a freelancing site.
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This topic was started on Nov 14, 2022 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.
