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How do I upload my site?

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How do I upload my site?

hey i have finished building my site on dreamweaver how do i get it from dreamweaver to the internert. also will i be able to still add to it or modify it once its up there. cheers kevin123
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You'll need to use an ftp program like

Once you change something, save it and then upload it over the original file.
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kevin1234 wrote:hey i have finished building my site on dreamweaver how do i get it from dreamweaver to the internert. also will i be able to still add to it or modify it once its up there. cheers kevin123

Hi Kevin,

You can change your files anytime you wish. You simply will re-upload over the existing one. You can upload right from dreamweaver.

At the top of the program click on Site - Manage Site....

You will see your website listed.... next click the Edit button... then you will see a column on the Remote Info....

In there you will place the info your webhost gave you.

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ok I have tryed doing what you said but nothing comes up in the box .
so i figure ihave other things i have to do.
Ihave a domain name with nameboy
I have hosting with go daddy
and I have pages for my site built and saved on dreamweaver obviosly I need to do more on dreamweaver to make it ready for uploading.

I thought there might be a lesson on this but i cant see one can u tell me how to bring it all togother online. Its probably fairly simple but im not that up with computer lingo so half the time i dont know what people are saying.

by the way thanks adrian i can follow how you put things.
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I use Filezilla to upload my files, it's really simple.

Just enter your cpanel password and your username. After that, on the right screen, I select public_html.

Now, in the left window, just select the folders you want to upload, and click upload.

I think you can upload directly from dreamweaver.
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Hi Kevin,

Yeah it sounds like we need a lesson on uploading/FTPing -- I get asked this quite often.

Sounds to me like you haven't entered your website details into Dreamweaver. That's why nothing is appearing in the box when you click "manage sites".

Like Adrian said, at the top of the program click "Site - Manage sites". Click "New" and then click "Site".

A box will come up saying "Site definition for Unnamed Site" or similar. In the first screen (Local Info), give your site a name. Where it says "local root folder" browse for the folder on your computer where you're keeping your files. This is so you can upload and download from/to here.

On the left, select "remote info". Where it says "access", select "FTP".

Enter the information your hosting provider gave you in the boxes below. FTP host will typically be your domain name. "Host directory" is just the directory on your web server that houses your HTML stuff. If you leave this blank, it just means you'll have to navigate to your HTML folder once you're connected to the server, so don't worry if you don't know what it is. It'll usually be something like public_html or http_docs though.

Login, password, you know the drill. You can click "test" to see if dreamweaver can connect to your server.

Click ok, and return to your normal view of dreamweaver.

On the right you should have a "Files" palette with a pull-down menu. Pull it down and select the site profile you've just created. Click the thing that looks like two power plugs ("Connect" underneath the menu). Dreamweaver will hopefully connect to your site. Navigate from there to the place where you keep your HTML docs (as mentioned above, if you haven't specified already.) You can then use the pull-down menu on the right to select "local view" to see the files on your computer.

Select the files on your computer that you want to upload, and click the "up" arrow at the top of the palette. That should upload your files. Use the pulldown menu to navigate back to "remote view" (the view on your server) to see if your files have uploaded.

Or you might find using a separate FTP client makes things easier for you. Sean recommended CoreFTP, I've also used FileZilla and have had no problems.

I'll get the ball rolling on a video tutorial for this... it's a bit complicated to explain, but hopefully that helps you out.

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By the way, the #1 reason why your files might not appear on your site when you've uploaded them is that they haven't gone into your /public_html/ or /http_docs/ file. If (when you connect to your server) you see this file, (in remote view), click on it to select it, and things should upload into that directory.

#2 reason your pages won't appear is that you haven't called the first file "index.html" (or index.php). The "index.html" is the only page that doesn't need to be specified when you type in a URL. So you can type instead of ==> Name your first page and any first page inside a folder "index.html".

(** Be careful when you're uploading that you don't overwrite your index.htmls if you've got many of them in different folders.)

Good luck!
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thanks very much i think i have it sorted but i beleive my host is not yet ready to recieve my files they say betwwen 24 and 48 hrs so i guess ill have to wait a while.
thanks every one its great to have your help im very glad i joined affilorama otherwise i could not have got this far
cheers kevin
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i seem to have ecountered another problem when i go browsing for my files i cant find them in shared docs i but when i go back to dreamweaver to locate them then they are in shared docs.
ive tried sending them to my documents but it says it cant handle that type of file. also i tryed draging them into my desktop but it seems to change the ste out of the pages. maybe ill try another ftp clieint or will that make no difference.
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kevin1234 wrote:i seem to have ecountered another problem when i go browsing for my files i cant find them in shared docs i but when i go back to dreamweaver to locate them then they are in shared docs.
ive tried sending them to my documents but it says it cant handle that type of file. also i tryed draging them into my desktop but it seems to change the ste out of the pages. maybe ill try another ftp clieint or will that make no difference.

I don't follow what you mean here. Can you be a little more specific?

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i made up my pages in dreamweaver it saved them to shared documents on my computer. so if you go to the file menu while in dreamweaver and open the you see the pages all listed in shared documents among other files. then if you go out of dreamweaver shut it down. and go to shared documents through my desktop it dosnt show the dreamweaver pages that i saved in there . I can only seem to access them If i have dreamweaver open.

I also dont know how to connect my domain name with nameboy to my host godaddy
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The only thing I can think of it that you might have two "shared documents" folders on your computer. Do a search for the files on your computer and see if they turn up. Maybe you've got these file types set to be hidden as well...

Why not try moving the files out of Shared Docs to somewhere more obvious like your desktop?

To get your domain name to point to your hosting, you need to refer to the information provided by your domain name registrar. They should tell you what to do. You need to provide them with the DNS server details provided by GoDaddy. Sometimes there will be a control panel that you can log into to do this, but it really depends on the registrar. Check your email :)

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