11 Feb 07 10:28 pm
Hi Kevin,
Yeah it sounds like we need a lesson on uploading/FTPing -- I get asked this quite often.
Sounds to me like you haven't entered your website details into Dreamweaver. That's why nothing is appearing in the box when you click "manage sites".
Like Adrian said, at the top of the program click "Site - Manage sites". Click "New" and then click "Site".
A box will come up saying "Site definition for Unnamed Site" or similar. In the first screen (Local Info), give your site a name. Where it says "local root folder" browse for the folder on your computer where you're keeping your files. This is so you can upload and download from/to here.
On the left, select "remote info". Where it says "access", select "FTP".
Enter the information your hosting provider gave you in the boxes below. FTP host will typically be your domain name. "Host directory" is just the directory on your web server that houses your HTML stuff. If you leave this blank, it just means you'll have to navigate to your HTML folder once you're connected to the server, so don't worry if you don't know what it is. It'll usually be something like public_html or http_docs though.
Login, password, you know the drill. You can click "test" to see if dreamweaver can connect to your server.
Click ok, and return to your normal view of dreamweaver.
On the right you should have a "Files" palette with a pull-down menu. Pull it down and select the site profile you've just created. Click the thing that looks like two power plugs ("Connect" underneath the menu). Dreamweaver will hopefully connect to your site. Navigate from there to the place where you keep your HTML docs (as mentioned above, if you haven't specified already.) You can then use the pull-down menu on the right to select "local view" to see the files on your computer.
Select the files on your computer that you want to upload, and click the "up" arrow at the top of the palette. That should upload your files. Use the pulldown menu to navigate back to "remote view" (the view on your server) to see if your files have uploaded.
Or you might find using a separate FTP client makes things easier for you. Sean recommended CoreFTP, I've also used FileZilla and have had no problems.
I'll get the ball rolling on a video tutorial for this... it's a bit complicated to explain, but hopefully that helps you out.