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I am putting up a site that requires me to have payment area on it, does anybody know were I could get one from and how to set one up? Any help would be great.
30 Apr 07 8:49 pm
Paypal has a subscription service you can use.
macdee1823 Posts: 99 Joined: 25 Jan 07 Trust:
02 May 07 11:28 am
adrian wrote:Paypal has a subscription service you can use.
Hey Adrian,
I know that paypal has a subscription service, I didnt want to use them as they charge a bit too much. I've been asked to design a website for a friend who is selling high price products so it's going to hurt when they charge the commission that they do. Just wondering if there is anything else that can deal with cards.
02 May 07 11:36 am
I don't know of any way to do payment processing for less than paypal. Have you looked at something like 1shoppingcart? I don't know how it works but I know a lot of people use it.
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chatyak86 Posts: 1083 Joined: 17 Jun 06 Trust:
02 May 07 12:42 pm
How high is this product price? Paypal only charges around $5 dollars when something is $500 or more I believe. I'm not sure what else you could look at.
Try 2CheckOut as well.
stevenar Posts: 63 Joined: 18 Apr 07 Trust:
02 May 07 7:41 pm
You can have a programmer make you a payment gateway from scratch. Costs a lot of money to make though. I had one quoted for me and they wanted $1600
macdee1823 Posts: 99 Joined: 25 Jan 07 Trust:
03 May 07 7:59 pm
It's not as cheap as that for paypal. I use them when I am selling on ebay and they charge around 6% or more or do they offer something else for websites? I don't know. I don't think that I will be spending that amount in making a cart from scratch, thanks for the idea anyway. Cheers Sean had a look at Shoppingcart, it's got a monthly fee of about $25 for a standard package which has an autoresponder and some other stuff with it. They do all the work for you aswell, e.g putting it on your website for you etc.