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how can I stop 404 errors

Posts: 4
Joined: 06 Jun 12

how can I stop 404 errors

I am new to internet marketing and this is my first site that I have built.

When I first created the site I didn't have my keywords in the category or article names.

So when I figured out that that was not the best for seo I went in and changed readjusted and restructured how my site flows and looks.

When I go to my site everything works beautifully.

But my seo plugin keeps showing me 404 errors and it says the google bots are the ones who found them. These pages have been re-named and it wasn't up long enough for anyone to really even know about it.

So why do the google bots keep finding these errors?

I installed a redirection plugin and went thru and redirected all the 404 errors to the current corresponding page but it keeps finding more and more up to 19 at this point

Some of them have a /feed at the end which is nothing I ever even created... I don't think..

Is there a way to completely rid myself of these past page url's and stop the 404 errors?

Thanks in advance for your help!
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Posts: 259
Joined: 13 Feb 12
Those ".../feed" are the built-in feed system for those who subscribe to your RSS ("Real Simple Syndication") feed. If redirecting those, keep the "../feed" ending of the URL the same.

By the way, the "Feedburner" service is much better than the WordPress built-in feed system (see the latest blog entry here at Affilorama, "How to Profit from RSS Scrappers").

You should have a free Google Webmaster Tools account. In there it will list your failing links (from the past) and let you click on each and test it and mark it as fixed. That should stop the Google error reports, I think.

The WordPress "Redirection" plugin is a very handy tool and I use it on all my blogs. Note that you can set its logs to only record real errors. Be sure to check those logs every week or so.

It's always tricky when you change your blog's structure or do more than just change the page/post title without changing the permalink. It's not something you should do unless absolutely necessary (which it sounds like it was for you).

In future try to change only the page/post titles and menu system, never any permalinks.

Hope his helps....
_jim coe
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Posts: 4
Joined: 06 Jun 12
Thanks for telling what the /feed means didn't know I had that...

I read the article but have a lack of understanding....

What does "(if you're using AffiloTheme then you are sorted)" mean?

and do still need to download both the RSS Footer plugin by Yoast and the
Tentblogger Feedburner RSS Redirect plugin ?

I signed up and verified my google webmaster account we'll see how that goes..
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Posts: 259
Joined: 13 Feb 12
What does "(if you're using AffiloTheme then you are sorted)" mean?

He just means that if you're using the Affilotheme (part of the paid Affiloblueprint course) then you are already using WordPress.

You only need to follow that article if you want to get the links back from any who steal your content - like the article is about. If it's a bit technical for you, ignore it.

What I was referring to was only where the article talks about how much better Feedburner is than the RSS feed that comes with WordPress. You can use Feedburner all by itself without those other plugins, if you just want a better feed - not to do what that article is all about. Feedburner comes with instructions, or do a Google search on it to find out more.

_jim coe
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This topic was started on Jul 12, 2012 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.