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Hi, I am new here and while I am not sure this is the proper way to get an answer, I will try.
Several hours earlier I created my domain, pointed nameservers to the proper nameservers on affilorama hosting. had to wait a bit while the hosting did the setup. I installed Wordpress, and now I am dead in the water. I get a forbidden 403 error, and cannot use ftp. Perhaps it's a propagation issue.
I looked all over the Cpanel for support tickets. Since I did not locate any, I used the support email. I sent pretty much what I have said here, but more detail.
The reason I am posting here, is that I have not received any reply yet. Normaly I would just wait until morning, but it's 3am now in mountain time,USA and I cant sleep. It would be great if I could do some work.
Anyways, I was just hoping for some sort of response from the powers that be.

Thank you, Scott
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Site Admin
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Joined: 28 Mar 10
Hi Scott,

Welcome to Affilorama!

By the way, can you please delete the contents of the 'public_html' in your control panel and then run the CGI installer for WordPress? If you're still having issues installing WP, please send us an email so that we can have it configured at the back end.
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Last edited by sydney on 29 Mar 11 12:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: broken link fixed

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Hi Scott,

On Affilorama Premium Hosting, if you see a "forbidden 403" error, it would be because you have not yet started building your site and the browser cannot find an index page to display.

Once you start building your site and there is already an index page, the forbidden 403 error message will go away.

If you are looking to build your site with WordPress, go on ahead and install it as suggested by Mike above, if you have not already done so :)
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Salamat faradina, Yes I figured maybe something along those lines. what I finaly did was go into the database and for some reason I had 3 there. so I deleted 2 of them since they were all duplicates. then I was finally able to access with ftp client so I just deleted the old install, and initiated the fresh install and got up and running.
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Salamat to mike as well. Yes, see my reply @ faradina.
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You're welcome. :)
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This topic was started on Nov 03, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.