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Hoplink to open a new tab - good or bad?

Posts: 25
Joined: 07 Jan 09

Hoplink to open a new tab - good or bad?

Hi all

Almost finished my new site, just need to create some hoplinks.

Just wondering what's the view on setting a hoplink to open a new tab to the affiliate product so it doesn't load over the top of my site? Is it good or bad practice, any pros & cons?

Thanks for any help.
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Posts: 28
Joined: 31 Oct 09
I always believed that you want your links to open in a new tab because if they don't find the sales page your sending them to interesting then they might click back and check out more of your site.

If you don't send them to a new tab then your ruling out any opportunity for them to easily flick back to your website.
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Posts: 25
Joined: 07 Jan 09
Thanks Pockets, that's what I thought & have done. Was just checking if that was the norm for hoplinks...ta very much.
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I use the same strategy. I send visitors who click on my affiliate links on a new page.

The reason for this is that I build a list, and if the visitor didn't subscribe to my list, he may do it the second time (when he close the merchant's page).

It's important because I always build my own business even if I am promoting an affiliate program. I hope this makes sense.


Pockets wrote:I always believed that you want your links to open in a new tab because if they don't find the sales page your sending them to interesting then they might click back and check out more of your site.

If you don't send them to a new tab then your ruling out any opportunity for them to easily flick back to your website.
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Affiloblueprint Bonus:
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TEST TEST TEST. I find it works better in some niches and in some it works better to open in the same page. Test it out and see which works better for you.
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