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Has anyone done any good with the .WS ext? I am thinking of creating a couple sites using the ext but wondering if conversions fell or anything?
chatyak86 Posts: 1083 Joined: 17 Jun 06 Trust:
23 Apr 07 7:49 pm
I don't see why you would have a worse conversion with WS. What is your reason for that ext? Can't get the name on a .com?
tarpon19 Posts: 14 Joined: 05 Mar 07 Trust:
24 Apr 07 12:37 am
That is correct, the majority of the really good .com domains are taken but the .ws is fairly new and there are tons of strong domains.
sean06 Posts: 1004 Joined: 16 Jun 06 Trust:
24 Apr 07 1:29 am
I don't know for sure, but I wouldn't be surprised if google gives less credibility to .ws and .info domains.
I'd stick with .com and .net if you have trouble finding a good one, but that's just me.
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markling Posts: 2071 Joined: 13 Jun 06 Trust:
24 Apr 07 2:41 am
I'll be doing a blog post on a similar topic soon. I highly doubt that Google would penalize a domain simply for being .ws. (And I don't think they give bonus points to .coms and .nets). The only downside of having this TLD is that people might look at your URL and think "hmmmm... do I want to click on that?" People are used to seeing .coms. I don't think it makes a lick of difference for your SEO though.
24 Apr 07 4:33 pm
I didn't think it would have an effect on SEO but maybe the visitors. Like you said Mark, they may be hesitant to click because they are pretty new right now and unfamiliar but man there are some great domain possibilites. Heck I am buying them up anyways. Down the road they should be great!