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H1 tags on blog home page

Posts: 12
Joined: 30 May 12

H1 tags on blog home page

Hi there. I am building a site and I've got an exact match keyword domain. I am also using the blog roll as the home page.

Now my problem is that I want the home page title to be an H1 which is usually the case, however I am using the header creator and I have to hide the header text. The problem with this is that it takes the site name out of the code and now have no H1 tags in the home page. I tried having the header text visible hoping that it would be hidden by the header but it just shows up on top and that is no good.

If anyone has anyway around this I would love to hear and would be much appreciative for the help.

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Why not create a specific page and designate that page as the homepage? Otherwise you might need to get into the actual theme php code and add in the H1 manually.
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Hi Johnny,

You can use the Header Text so you have an H1 tag on your front page, but this may cause duplicate H1 tags if you are going to display excerpts of your articles on the front page as titles of articles in Wordpress are automatically H1 tags.

Another option is to use the header creator and disable the header text. Then write a short article on what your site is about and use your target keyword in the title. Then set that page as frontpage/homepage. So the title becomes your H1 tag.

Hope that helps. Have a good day!
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Nice one, thanks very much for the info, that helps heaps

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This topic was started on Jul 20, 2012 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.