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Google Page Creator and Applications help!

Posts: 15
Joined: 05 Jan 07

Google Page Creator and Applications help!

so ive been doing my website building through googles page creator simply b/c its easy. they also offer google apps its kind of like hosting i guess. if you have a domain you can register it at google apps and basically view it on the web under whatevr your domain name is. so i have my domain, its registerd at network solution. i pointed all my cname info to google( and when i go to my dashboard everything says its running, my mx sever stuff is all configed 4 google. but when type in my domain i get a page can not be found (404) message?? im still waiting for help form google( iwrote them today) if anyone has any suggestions please send them my way

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Posts: 1083
Joined: 17 Jun 06
Domain configuration can take up to 72 hours. If not, try unloading your cache and refreshing your modem/history.

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Posts: 15
Joined: 05 Jan 07
adrian wrote:Domain configuration can take up to 72 hours. If not, try unloading your cache and refreshing your modem/history.


i wish i knew what a cache was??? ill do some research and give it a shot. itll be tomarow i think my haed stilllhurts from learning about anmes and cnames!! thnks
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Posts: 1083
Joined: 17 Jun 06
Cache is the stored version of the web that rests on your browsers "brain". Give it a few days and then do a clean up and then check your website again.

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