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Good landing pages?

Posts: 6
Joined: 16 May 07

Good landing pages?

I ham an affiliate for some products that have a long sales copy page and some that don't

I am currently looking at PPC as opposed to organing page ranks because the market i'm in is quite competitive and I think it will take a long time to get good google ranks.

Has anyone got a good example or ideas or general philosophy of a landing page for a product with a long sales copy (which I believe is a good thing according to Mark!)
My thoughts are that a long landing page would noy be good, as all I really want is for the person to click through to the sales page as quick as possible

Also, has anyone got experience with going directly to the sales page and bypassing a landing page? ie Should I do that for products that are really just a referral to another site that doesn't have a long sales copy?

Thanks for any help I get
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Posts: 1083
Joined: 17 Jun 06
Mark gives plenty of examples in the videos of landing pages :) See some in the first lessons of the 6 day course.
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Posts: 3
Joined: 03 Sep 06
Dear dnr2109,

Well if you want to improve your PR one way to do that is
get some links back to your site with your targeted keywords
in the anchor text from a page that match's your page in term
of contents so if that website is already ranked in google it will
share the PR with you, i found out that doing press releases is
a very good way to do that and it really saves you lot of cash
instead of renting links on monthly basis just get your Press Release
written either by you or using a skilled writer from
and then submit it to with some donation and your
press releases will be on many news sites in just hours and they
really convert like crazy as they will be pulled by google/yahoo
news and you just link back to your site using the anchor text
for your targeted keywords, and one good thing about press releases
is that most of news sites got a good page rank and even if your
press release got archived most of news sites archives got a page
rank of min 3 on google which is really good and better than
renting links again.
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Site Admin
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Joined: 13 Jun 06
How you build your landing page is dependent on a number of things, and you need to look at it on a case by case basis.

1) Is the sales page for the product good? Do they know what they're doing? In this case, it's best to leave the selling to the merchant site and build something like a review page.

2) Is the sales page a shocker, but the product is still good? In this case you can work to pre-sell your visitors with a bit more information on your page.

I really don't recommend sending traffic directly to the merchant page from Adwords without first going through your landing page. We wrote a whole article on this topic in the Affilorama February update magazine (if my memory serves me correctly) outlining all the reasons why this is a bad idea.

I've got a few interviews/lessons on PPC coming out in the next update. Keep an eye out for those... I'm sure they'll help you.

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