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Generating websites ala WEB 2.0 style

Posts: 16
Joined: 03 Sep 06

Generating websites ala WEB 2.0 style

Greetings from Brazil! I am on special assignment to film a medical surgery here at the Albert Einstien Hospital in Sao Paulo. Fun! So what is a geek like me doing in a cyber cafe?

Observing. I also spent a lot of time at the hospital computer system. Several observations. Most websites that have pop-ups are automatically banned. (Library and hospitals) ... the young ones at the cyber cafes tell me that those ads are mostly from US generated websites and are very annoying: (CONGRATULATIONS! YOU ARE THE 999,999th VISITOR!) etc.

This country is incredible and I see so many possibilities! The food is incredible, the people are all beautiful and this city is the second most populated city in the world. I learned also that it has more Japanese people here, second to Japan itself!

One thing I would like to remove from my journey through life: Is the adverse stigma, we as United States Americans have on South American countries - and others for that matter... To be continued! I will write a new blog on my site, and then tell you the rest of story!

In the meantime: My blogs that I "planted" when I started this course are generating revenue! It is exciting to see activity on stuff that I forgot about! Now, to generating websites... ala WEB2.0 style! I really think those old sites will become more and more obsolete. Why? Because of information overload. I think our brains are becoming more visual as we evolve. Example: If you got this far in my topic... would it have been better if you saw me live... saying the above same thing? YES! And I would have gotten the message across a lot faster!

Heading back to the States now... Jay
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Joined: 16 Jun 06
hey Jay, you certainly get around :)

Brazil is on my to do list as well. Do you know why there are so many Japanese there?

Good to hear about your blogs too. I bet it feels so much better to be actually making some cash now.
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Free Training Videos reveal how I make 6 figures while travelling the world
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Joined: 03 Sep 06
From what the locals tell me, the large Japanese population is due in part to the lack of farmers to harvest the coffee in the early 1900's. Thousands of Japanese immigrants came to Brazil, which at the time, Japan encouraged in order to make a world-wide presence.

WW2 had a very negative impact on the Japanese here, as they were isolated during the war. They believed in their victory. Many years later things settled down, and the families would all save and put their children through college. Immigration was later allowed, and families grew.

Today, many Japanese Companies have a major influence here in Sao Paulo. In addition, Japan is exporting its culture and influence even more by financing the various cultural troupes to perform for the community.

I just find it kind of a "matrix-warp" of sort when I see so many Japanese in a South American City... speaking... Portuguese!

Another tid-bit: Japan has a relatively "new" word for "thank-you"...
Origato... In Portuguese: Obrigado. mmmmm.

Maybe this is all the Matrix! I know... I need to get back home!

I have not had time to read the posts yet... Where is Mark these days? I just know I am going to smack into him! It really is a small world!

Peace Sean!
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Joined: 17 Jun 06
Haha Jay,

You are all over the place man. Next thing I know you are going to be saying hello from a submarine under Antarctica.
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Posts: 16
Joined: 03 Sep 06
Well, I am back on firm ground again! So nice to not struggle with language barriers! It was a bit of a hassle this time. Most places I have no problem with the language, but Brazil was a bit challenging.

No submarines here, just jets. (I work for United Airlines) -- Not that I would not do it, if the offer came along!

I will be working really hard raising money for the American Cancer Society the next few weeks in a separate pet project of mine and then enjoy the Colorado mountains for a few weeks with my three boys.

I will be busy again working on another blog. Its a project that touched my heart. It's a serious topic, and involves children.

Anyway... your post had a wonderful hint of mockery and humour... stuff I enjoy about you! Thanks for the post Adrian! ;-)

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