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Free autoresponder?

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Joined: 15 Oct 09

Free autoresponder?

Hi guys!
Does anyone know any free autorespoder service besides using Aweber?
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It might not have the full capabilities of Aweber, but check your hosting provider. Many of the ones I've looked at are providing at least a basic Autoresponder for free.

The one thing to be careful of with "free" stuff, though, such as autoresponders and hosting and the like, is that the free ones often force you to have advertising FOR THEM, which can be annoying and might turn people off. Ones with your hosting provider shouldn't have that problem, but it might be more difficult to set up autoresponder series and it might not have the stat tracking capabilities.

(Having said that, I've not used a lot of autoresponders myself as of yet, but this is just what I've seen and heard in the looking that I have done.)

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Any alternative to a full service autorespoder service like Aweber or AutoResponse is going to be a compromise.

The free autorespoder included in your host package that Grady talked about (in the earlier post) will allow you to capture subscriber emails, will send out an automatic response and is "ad-free" but it doesn't have to capability to manage a subscriber database and send out multiple emails automatically.

Another alternative is to use an autoresponder script and host it yourself. You can get them very cheap, even free. The big downside to that is if anyone says that you spammed them your host can shut your site down. Definitely not worth the gamble.

AutoResponse has a free limited version of their service. I'm not sure if they display ads to your subscribers or not. - worth checking out and maybe sharing your findings with us.

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Look at it is free up to a certain point. Up to 500 subscribers and up to 3,000 mail messages a month. It also has plugins that you can use in wordpress blogs without having to know any type of coding.

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Another thing I've seen mentioned is that if you later want to move to a paid autoresponder, you may not be able to move your existing list into the new one.
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I tested 10 different free autoresponder services.
If you want to see the results, I collected them in a free report, available at
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At last! A way to create lead pulling websites with free tools!

This topic was started on Dec 26, 2009 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.