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Fixing up my WordPress Header

Posts: 236
Joined: 29 Nov 09

Fixing up my WordPress Header

Hi I am building a wordpress site and using the affilo blueprint theme and I am stuck trying to get the head line the right size and color. I can change the color of the sub title and back ground within the general settings. I guess what I want is a fix using the html in the header code if that's possible. I will need to know if that can be done from my dashboard or if I have to reformat the header else ware.
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Last edited by michellerana on 16 Dec 09 8:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: improve title

Pro at basic WP and keyword research willing to [email protected]
Posts: 200
Joined: 05 Sep 06
Hi Mack,

I don't have the blueprint theme but I've got some experience with WP themes. If you say you can only adjust the title and background color within the general settings, check your stylesheet (style.css) - you should see header attributes there.

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Hi I can find the spot with the html but do not know how to correct it.
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Pro at basic WP and keyword research willing to [email protected]
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before you do anything, make a copy of the original file. You always want to have a back-up copy in case your theme "breaks" - I usually just rename the file to save it. example:

1) open the file your going to be editing in notepad, dreamweaver... whatever editor you're using.

2) rename the file and save it to your server. ie: style.css becomes 1style.css (tip: I use the number one so the original is easy to find if I need it)

3) open the file again and this time save it and re-name it the original name and save it to your server. In this case style.css

4) you now have two stylesheet files one named 1style.css and one named style.css - at this point they contain the same code, the file named style.css is the one you are going to edit, the 1style.css is your backup copy.

5) make modifications to your style.css file and save it to your server. In your case you're trying to modify the headline in your header right? post the snippet of code for your header here and I'll try to make suggestions. Maybe someone that is using the same theme can help too.

as an alternative, PM me your URL and I'll see if I can direct you better.

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Posts: 236
Joined: 29 Nov 09
Hi this is the header :
* header */
#header h1{font:normal 20pt georgia, times;margin:0;padding:20px 20px 0;}
#header h2 a{color:#fff;text-decoration:none;}
#header h4{font:normal 10pt georgia, times;margin:0;padding:0 20px;}
I am not sure if when I make changes here they will show up when I refresh or if I have to reload the template.
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Pro at basic WP and keyword research willing to [email protected]
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you don't have to reload the entire theme just the file that you are editing. Maybe it's easier for you to edit the file inside WP, forget about the above instructions.

Go to your WP dashboard>appearance>editor> select your style.css file

- copy and paste your file contents into a text file (notepad) so you have a backup
- make the changes to your file and click "update file"
- refresh your site page to see your changes

Here's tutorial that should help you understand css better:

play with it, as long as you make a backup, you can't break anything.
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Posts: 236
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Hi this is a great instruction but I think in order to get all I wanted I may want to build a new header or template. I am looking at the Artisteer demo and want to do the test drive and see if it will give me all I need.I really appreciate your help but the objective is to be able to do this for all my future sites also. Thank you very much and if any one can give me any feedback on the Artisteer site builder,theme builder I would be very happy.
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Pro at basic WP and keyword research willing to [email protected]
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Hi Just a note to anyone interested I did buy Artisteer and put together my first template in about one hour. The only reason it did not go faster was because I wanted a black background for the header and solid colors were not in options. But I managed to create it there I am not sure how. I was told I could have this template built for $80. per hour 5 hour minimum. Buying It turns into a great solution and they may up grade to better options anytime. I got my money back already.
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Pro at basic WP and keyword research willing to [email protected]

This topic was started on Dec 16, 2009 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.