Posts: 311
Joined: 29 Nov 09
09 Jan 10 5:59 pm
FileZilla problem - Can't find default html
Week 3 publishing my web site and now I'm into FileZilla to do this
I am closely watching the video pausing it many times to understand certain proceedures and so far have bypassed quite a few confusing things until Aletta and Mark took me into FileZilla where I'm really stuck (everything is working as shown to me up to this point)
Aletta got to a file Public html, and mine said public h... that held me up for a bit but then decided that this has to be the file they are talking about so I double clicked on it like I am supposed to do.
Once I'm in this file there is supposed to be one called "default html" which I'm supposed to delete, but this "default html" is not there
I did check my title into my address bar which didn't take me to Namecheap (Aletta uses Hostgater and she was taken to Hostgater, I was taken to a page with just a bunch of headings (mine included) so I figured it was basically the same thing and proceeded into FileZilla where I am now stuck.
Without deleting this "default html" I won't be able to view my web site and really don't know where to go from here, Could it possibly be that since I used Namecheap instead of Hostgator that this default html would not be there (I was just following the video tutorial and assumed there was something wrong when default html didn't appear.
I need help quickly because I have 3 tools and 2 files minimized and don't want to lose my work so far, so any help will be greatly appreciated (so close yet so far)
I posted this question yesturday in the Affioblueprint forum week 3-5 and got views but no help, so I'm coming to see if anyone can help me out here