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FileZilla problem - Can't find default html

Posts: 311
Joined: 29 Nov 09

FileZilla problem - Can't find default html


Week 3 publishing my web site and now I'm into FileZilla to do this

I am closely watching the video pausing it many times to understand certain proceedures and so far have bypassed quite a few confusing things until Aletta and Mark took me into FileZilla where I'm really stuck (everything is working as shown to me up to this point)

Aletta got to a file Public html, and mine said public h... that held me up for a bit but then decided that this has to be the file they are talking about so I double clicked on it like I am supposed to do.

Once I'm in this file there is supposed to be one called "default html" which I'm supposed to delete, but this "default html" is not there

I did check my title into my address bar which didn't take me to Namecheap (Aletta uses Hostgater and she was taken to Hostgater, I was taken to a page with just a bunch of headings (mine included) so I figured it was basically the same thing and proceeded into FileZilla where I am now stuck.

Without deleting this "default html" I won't be able to view my web site and really don't know where to go from here, Could it possibly be that since I used Namecheap instead of Hostgator that this default html would not be there (I was just following the video tutorial and assumed there was something wrong when default html didn't appear.

I need help quickly because I have 3 tools and 2 files minimized and don't want to lose my work so far, so any help will be greatly appreciated (so close yet so far)

I posted this question yesturday in the Affioblueprint forum week 3-5 and got views but no help, so I'm coming to see if anyone can help me out here

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Larry Bauge
Posts: 311
Joined: 29 Nov 09
I think I solved this problem by ignoring the Alettas video because she used Hostgator and I used Namecheap which I figured didn't require me to delete html since it wasn't there so I just continued on

Now I added my web site name into the address bar and clicked enter and am taken to the host namecheap home page just as Aletta is taken to Hostgators homepage.

Now here is where I'm confused again (what else is new) Aletta in the Hostgator home page is told by Mark to click on control R and all I could see was a Z that she clicked on and then to click refresh and presto her web site appeared.

At Namecheap (I wish I had chose Hostgator now) What do I click on to do the refreshing because non of the symbols in Namecheap are the same as in Hostgator.

This is the final f**&%$(@*^$ step and I'm stuck on that,

So can any one help me out here (I'm thinking of nicknaming myself "STUCK")

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Larry Bauge
Posts: 200
Joined: 05 Sep 06
yikes Larry, I can feel your pain. FTP'ing was the biggest hurdle when I was starting out. I couldn't figure out where files went for the life of me.

I'm sorry I don't have the AB or Namecheap hosting so I'm not sure what you are trying to do but if another "Blueprinter" isn't able to help you, PM a screenshot of your Filezilla to me - I may be able to help if I can see where you're at.

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Posts: 311
Joined: 29 Nov 09
Thanks Heidi

You are the only one that tried to help from two forums AB and AR(maybe I worded it confusingly for other members to understand) but when you are going through a video lesson, the smallest mistake like not putting a period after www or using the wrong log in info like I did that held me up for a day can sometimes be hard to explain the problem in a forum.

I had visions of nobody understanding me and then having to scrap the project and start over by using Hostgator like in the video instructions.

But luckily I ignored the video's final instruction because in the video they are using a different host server and I typed my domain name into my address bar and "voila" there was my website. This move was partly a desperation tactic and it worked.

Thanks again Heidi for your help

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Larry Bauge

This topic was started on Jan 09, 2010 and has been closed due to inactivity. If you want to discuss this topic further, please create a new forum topic.