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Feedback on my Health niche site

Posts: 12
Joined: 15 Mar 14

Feedback on my Health niche site

Hello everybody,

I build my first website almost 1 year ago in the self-help niche. The site was dealing with anxiety problems at this address:

After not making any sales and posting the website on this forum and receiving some feedback, I decided to change the niche to a more "happier" one.

It is a saying among internet marketers that the best niches to work with are health, wealth and love.

Now I am in the health niche (weight loss) and build a new website and trying to rank for different clickbank products in this niche.

The site is at this address:

Now, I don't know if this new website is going to take me on the road to making sales but I keep learning and doing the stuff I need in order to succeed.

Now, any advice and suggestions regarding my latest website are welcomed.

Please tell me what is your opinion about my choice and the way the website is build.

PS. I don't know if I posted this topic in the right section of the forum, if not, sorry!
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Site Admin
Posts: 3224
Joined: 16 Apr 12
The health niche is a good choice- not only it is an evergreen niche, it also provides you with a lot of sub niches and sub topics to choose from.

But of course, the number of traffic to your website and how much it converts is still more important- no matter what your niche is.

Have you taken the time to analyze your first website, especially in terms of traffic? It will also help if you are able to know why you have not made money. You can avoid the mistakes (if there are any) to your second website. Because if not, you may do the same things again. This is one of the reasons why there are some who fail in affiliate marketing. It will really help if you know exactly why your first site failed so you can improve things with your second website.
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Not sure which Affilorama tool you need? Take the quiz!


"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Sidhhartha Guatama
Posts: 12
Joined: 15 Mar 14

Thank you for your reply. The problem is that I don't really know what the problem is with my first website. How can I find out?

Can you help me to discover what I am doing wrong and how to fix it?

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Site Admin
Posts: 3224
Joined: 16 Apr 12

You may look into this article here for guidelines: ... any-money/

This is a good article as it covers everything that you need to be checking when your website is not earning as it's supposed to be.

Good luck!
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Not sure which Affilorama tool you need? Take the quiz!


"Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment." ~Sidhhartha Guatama

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