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Experience in web design and web development - Ask questions

Posts: 27
Joined: 07 Apr 07

Experience in web design and web development - Ask questions

Hi Everyone,
I have just joined Affilorama about 2 days ago, so thought I would say hi! I have been thinking about joining for some time, and thought that I needed to take the leap if I was serious about what I was doing.

I am a web developer, so am familiar with the web design side of things, but from what I am reading and listening to, I have some work to do on my SEO!
I mainly deal with PHP/HTML sites with predominantly CSS driven website templates. - So if anyone needs some help on this, I am more than happy to see what I can do.

The advantage of learning SEO is that I can offer this to my clients for their business sites, and help them generate more traffic!

In the past few days, I have created 2 sites. One affiliate site, and an Informational site using Adsense to generate income.

I have read half of the Posts in the Reviewica section, and plan to read the rest in the next few days.
I am using Joomla (Open Source Content Manager) for my websites.
I was wondering if anyone else here does the same, and their experiences of it with trying to get traffic to your websites etc.

I look forward to hopefully contributing to this forum in the weeks and months to come!

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Posts: 200
Joined: 05 Sep 06
Hi Chirag,

Welcome to Affilorama!

I've tried Joomla a couple of times but haven't been able to master it. I'm a big Wordpress fan though, moving towards using it as a complete CMS for all my sites.

Looking forward to hearing more from you :)

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Welcome Chirag
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Posts: 352
Joined: 09 Sep 06
Welcome to the forum.

I'd like to have a community site like Joomla soon.
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