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Does anyone know about Joomla and its' components

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Joined: 09 Apr 07

Does anyone know about Joomla and its' components

Hi All,

I'm new to Affiliate Marketing and I had some success (Hit and Miss).

I've been using Adwords and other pay-per-click search engines to run my marketing campaigns.

I want to start my own website and been messing around with Joomla (CMS) for the past few months. If you have any information on marketing using Joomla 1.0.12, please post here.

Thanks for your time and patience,

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Have you watched the videos on it?
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Posts: 27
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Hi Henricorp!

Welcome. hope you enjoy your stay. I am new here myself, so going through all the tutorials.

I am a web developer, and most my websites are done in Joomla. I have done approximately 20-25 sites using the Joomla CMS.

So what would you like to know?
Just ask away, more than happy to help.

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Hi chirag,

I would like to learn how to link my mainmenu to new content that I create. I'm using the OpenSEF 2.0 component and need a simple way to create content, while at the same time keeping my links search engine friendly.

Thanks Chirag for your time and patience,

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Posts: 27
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Hi Henricorp!

There are many ways to add content to the menu.
It all depends on how you want everything displayed.

I.e. you can have items displayed as Content Items. I.e. You write a page called About Us, and you create a menu link to point to this page directly.

You can have items always displayed on the frontpage by going to the Content Items page, and changing the X to a Tick under the Frontpage column.

You can also use modules such as the Latest News or Newsflash Modules to display content on any page!

I guess if you give me a specific example I can show you how this is done.
If enough people are interested, I can setup a Joomla test site where anyone can go in and try and play around with components etc using the backend. I am in the process of setting up the Community Builder component on one of my working sites to show the power of that tool as well.

For SEO I use something called Artio Joomsef. All you have to do is install it, and it is ready to roll! Without any major configuration.
You can find it here: ... Itemid,35/

Hope that helps
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I think that your on to something with creating a demo site. I've purchased some of the joomla tutorials out there and they only scratch the surface. I need more meat and potatoes.

Keeping on track here, I am working on some content right at this moment and will post a link when I'm done.

By the way, I had .htaccess problems with Artio joomSEF, but that's a whole another story.

Thanks again Chirag
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Ok no problems, I can setup a demo site, and you can play with it to your hearts content!
In regards to the .htaccess file, when you install Artio Joomsef, it gives you a screen with instructions, and what you need to do to modify your .htaccess file. I can send this file to you if you like?

And also ensure you have SEO Friendly URLs switched on in the Configuration section.

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My site is totally in the raw full of filler text and a swing at writing my own content.

May be, I should give you some idea of what I'm trying to achieve here.
I will be doing product reviews and would like the content that I create to links to the front page. And if you could, direct me to a easy to configure download component.

I will be also using .swf files to create demos to help people who need the bear bone basics, like myself.

Here is a link to my first attempt:

Thanks for your time and patience,

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well its a great start!
I see you have changed your title and added a bit of content.
The template is nice. Is that a free one, or did you buy it from somewhere?

I have almost setup the test site.
Once I do, I will give you details of it. And you can play around with the site. And you can emulate what you want to do on your own site, and I can show you ways to do it. :D

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Here it is Henricorp, and anyone else who is interested.
Go to (removed broken link) for the Joomla Test Homepage.

To see the Admin section, go to (removed broken link)

Username and password are both admin
Please DO NOT change the admin password, as it makes it difficult for everyone else who would like to test the system out.

Feel free to add/delete components, change templates etc.
If anyone wants a hand with installing and testing a few components they are looking to use, I can do that for you.

If you got a specific example you want to emulate on your site, you can try it out here first to ensure it all works - so you dont break your live site!

Have fun with it guys...
I am also in the process of setting up Community Builder on one of my Live sites, so once that is done will post that as a link here too.

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Last edited by ampie g on 21 Jan 10 2:06 am, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: broken links removed

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Joined: 09 Apr 07
The demo site is just what the doctor ordered. It will definitely help me out and I hope it help others, too :shock:

My template was created by rockettheme a must have for the HTML, CSS, and Mootools illiterate. I put a link in the bottom right hand corner of my site to be.

Thanks cchhita, I'll be going over to the demo site and trying it on for size,

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