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Creating pages in NVU?

geoff pun
Posts: 53
Joined: 25 Mar 07

Creating pages in NVU?

:( might be stating the obvious here:

either i can't find it or NVU doesn't give you the facility of creating multiple pages in 1 NVU document. NVU file format is default *.html.

i check their help menu and is getting no way.

does that means with NVU i got to create separate html file for every page i create?

so, if i got 3 pages in my website, does that mean i got to have 3 html files & somehow link them together for publishing and uploading??
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Yep, each page is it's own html file. Use folders to help organise your files better, otherwise you'll end up with files all over the place.
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NVU is good for what it is (and free), but it's far from DreamWeaver quality. There seems to be a lack of really great free HTML editors about.

If I were new to site building, I'd spend my time learning how to install and configure WordPress or Joomla instead.

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Yes, Sean is right. If you want to work on multiple pages at the same time, you can open them in tab.

I build sites with NVU, so feel free to ask anything.
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Hey Geoff,

As everyone has said, you gotta create a separate HTML file for each page. If you're wanting your pages to be similar, you can just create the first page, and then save a copy of it and turn this into your second page. Then you link all the pages together with some variety of navigation.

Good luck!
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geoff pun
Posts: 53
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:D thks everyone !!

i will go ahead & do that. will check out WordPress or Joomla too. i will be posting the 1st cut of my website a few days for critique. it will be crude & unfinished, but i want to be sure i heading the right direction earlier than later. :lol:
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